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patch 1.51, обсуждаем бета-тестирование нового патча
сообщение 19.1.2009, 14:32
Сообщение #41

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serg2044 вообще там говорится про патч (1.5) для БФ2, который они обещали выпустить еще до рождества
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сообщение 19.1.2009, 14:43
Сообщение #42

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Они обычно для 2 и 2142 патчи одновременно выпускают.
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сообщение 19.1.2009, 14:43
Сообщение #43

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Lycanthrope - в первом посту речь идет о патчах для двух игр, в конкретном процитированном разделения нет. Хотя раньше и была инфа что сначала выйдет патч для 2-й баттлы.
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сообщение 29.1.2009, 11:06
Сообщение #44

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Re: BF2142 Bug List - EA/DICE PLEASE READ for patch 1.51
Posted:Dec 23, 2008 2:35 PM in response to: phantom_dj (BF)
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First off: while waiting for our own official DICE forums me and Bazajaytee normally hang out on the EA UK forums (http: //forums.electronicarts.co.uk/members/388493-parker. html and http: //forums.electronicarts.co.uk/members/378403-bazajaytee. html. I am the Community Manager at DICE, for all titles except Heroes, and Bazajaytee is Associate Producer for the current BF titles).

VectorRoll linked me this thread, and Bazajaytee has written a few replies for you:

“Kits layouts are not remembered properly. This was supposed to be a "feature" of 1.40. “ - We are aware of an issue where kit configurations can be reset on occasion. This is something we are looking to improve.

“Game never remembers key bindings that map the mouse buttons to movement.” - This has existed since Battlefield 2 and is something we have had feedback about. This is not a simple fix in the Battlefield front end.

“Very brief “There is a problem with your connection” message when round ends.” - This happens on occasion and appears to be based on Linux more than Windows based servers.

“Game sometimes reloads a map that is already loaded. “Loading new map” message appears, but it is not a new map. When playing the same map over, no loading should occur; it should just run the same map again.” - This is a server setting. A server can run 99 rounds of the same map before reloading the map. The default is set to 3 rounds. If the map is running the same map constantly then ask the administrators to set the rounds to 99 instead.

“Spawning on squad leader doesn’t always work, even when spawn icon is green.” - As already mentioned, the squad leader may not have space around them to spawn on them.

“Voting never works because players who do not vote are automatically counted as a ‘no’ votes.” - Voting is a client option. If a player does not want to vote they will automatically have no as their answer. This is to prevent voting abuse.

“Legs and other appendages poke through walls, especially when prone.” - This is collision with static objects and the soldier. If this did not happen you would not be able to lay as close to the objects as you can.

“Sometimes friendly motion mines, rdx, apm’s don’t show the red icon; they appear hostile.” - We have been investigating this issue.

“ Sometimes your ingame rank shows as Private and no unlocks are available. Rejoining the same server doesn’t fix it. You need to join a new server to get correct rank shown. Sometimes you can re-earn awards that you have already earned, and get promoted very quickly when you shouldn’t.” - This happens when your account has not logged in successfully. Log out and log back in to have your correct rank shown.

“Sometimes a flag/silo flashes colors and can’ t be captured.” - We have been investigating this issue.

“Server sometimes crashes.” - We will never eliminate all crashes from Battlefield as there are so many unknown causes. However we have addressed the ability to crash clients and servers on demand.

“Game sometimes crashes or freezes.“ - We will never eliminate all crashes from Battlefield as there are so many unknown causes. However we have addressed the ability to crash clients and servers on demand.

“ Kills obtained with motion mines are often miscredited as other kinds of kills.” - If you have changed kits before someone is killed with your placed motion mine this will credit the kill to something else.

“When the main radio commo-rose is used while in ground or air defense, the minimap zooms out all the way if it is not already.“ - Thank you for the information on this.

“Sometimes you can’t run even with plenty of stamina.” - This can happen if you have double tapped forward and not released the button whilst the stamina recharges.

“Sometimes you die when running between a car and a building.” - Is there any more information on this? It sounds like you are being crushed between the two objects.

“Screenshots don’t get saved to disk when the console is open, or when taken outside the battle [e.g. scoreboards at end of round and game browser menus]. Instead they are copied to the clipboard and are lost unless the player exits the game and pastes the clipboard into another program and saves from there. This bug seems to happen only to players that have multiple monitors on their computer systems.” - If you have the console open the screen shot button will not work (and only works in game). The button is Print Screen so will be on your clipboard. You can also use ALT+Print Screen to take a screen shot of only Battlefield if you have dual monitors.

“Ingame rank insignia are colored green for squad members so you can’t always tell the proper rank of squad mates. Gold and sliver ranks look the same.” - That is to do with the green colouring to distinguish your squad. This won’t change.

““Maximum number of squads reached” message appears randomly when there are 9 squads.” - This can be caused if someone is pressing to create a squad repeatedly if the squads are fully created.

“Sometimes player yells “ CLEAR” for no reason, even when not assault class; sometimes calls for a medic without issuing the command to do so.” - These can be sounds from nearby players. Also when your health reaches extremely low levels/severely injured you will yell for medic.

“Sometimes hear the female voice say “Negative, area scan unit destroyed”, “ Negative, orbital strike unit compromised” or some other message, for no apparent reason, when NOT playing as commander.”” - This is audio sent out to squads when a Commander asset can not be used.

““Emp control dish under attack” is sometimes announced but an attack on the EMP control dish is NOT underway.” - Is a friendly hitting the EMP dish with anything? EMP grenades etc.

“Scroll bar in History tab of game browser doesn’t work properly. User can’t grab the bar, instead it selects a server. Usable area of scrollbar seems to be to the right of where it appears onscreen. “ - This is how the scroll bar was set when the game was made, the ability to move down the list means this is a low priority.

“Commander squad view often completely wrong. “ - How?

“When playing support or medic, the red icon on the minimap that surrounds friendlies that are low on ammo or health is also displayed for enemies who are spotted or are under a UAV.” - Thank you for the information, we will take a look at this.

“Machine gun sound sometimes gets stuck for other players.” - We are investigating this.

“Sometimes game announces you were killed when you were not.” - We are investigating this.

“In the game browser you can’t use the arrow keys to scroll servers.” - This is intended and won’t be changed.

“Game browser server pings are wrong. They usually show much higher than the actual ping.“ - The pings are called from GameSpy and can be from a cached list. The pings you see in the game browser are for guide only.

“When you are riding in an air transport in spots 4, 5, 6, or 7, and then use a keyboard command (C key for me) to cycle the view, you can’t then use F9-F12 to change to another view.” - Thank you for the information, we will take a look at this.

“Sometimes the icons above the flags/silos do not appear. This seems to happen often when joining the first game after loading; subsequent rounds do not have this bug.” - Press ALT to bring up the 3D map.

“Sometimes spawning on squad leader / beacon actually spawns the player on a member of the opposite team (!).” - Thank you for the information, we will take a look at this.

“The starboard gun of the PAC transport guns on the air transports have no killing power. “ - This is a known problem with the aiming of that gun. The two transport ships have different aiming as the PAC ship has an animation bringing the gun to the player where the EU one doesn’t. We are always looking to fix this one.

“Sentry guns track and shoot through walls. “This is due to the way the Titan has been built. We are looking for a solution to prevent this.

“ Knife hits sometimes miss even at very close range.” - This is the hit detection, the player may not be exactly where they look to be on your screen.

“Attempting to join a full server sometimes gives the wrong error message, telling the player “You have failed to connect. Please check your network connection(s) and try again”.” - This happens if you connect to a server that fills up as you connect. This will cause the server to drop your connection which causes this message.

“When playing commander, issuing a command to multiple squads will often exceed the radio limit and further attempts to do anything (like spotting enemies) results in “shut up and ditch this channel” and a 30 second ban on using the radio.” - This is something we will investigate but we do not want to open up the Commander position to allow players to spam the server.

“If player is invited to, say, Alpha squad, but he joins on his own and then presses PAGE UP to accept the invitation, it is possible to see a funny message that says “Must leave alpha squad to join alpha squad”” - This is squad joining/creation overlap and won’t be changed.

“When not support and selecting the player layout, and the spawn timer expires, the layout gets all messed up, usually changing the player’s class to support, but not really because if you then spawn it will be with the class you were customizing.” - We are investigating this.

“Player gets 2 points for repairing and empty titan console but no message appears onscreen stating this. This seems to be the only thing in the game that awards 2 points for a single activity.” - Thank you for the information, we will take a look at this.

“When playing assault and the medic hub runs out, attempts to drop a hub result in player yelling “I can heal you”; this can be repeated many times over and over with humorous results, until the healing is recharged and a healing hub is finally dropped. This can also be done for the support class as well.” - This allows players to know a medic is close by and the players can still be healed by the medic crate in the hands of the assault class. This won’t change.

“Sometimes can’t spawn on titan; no icon is visible to spawn into.” - We are investigating this.

Список исправлений которые будут в новом патче

Ссылка на источник Тыц

ссылка на обсуждение Тыц

Сообщение отредактировал Corvus - 29.1.2009, 11:13
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сообщение 29.1.2009, 11:54
Сообщение #45

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Больно многа букав, тем более английских. Транслейт, кратенько так.
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сообщение 29.1.2009, 12:31
Сообщение #46

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Заипесси переводить. Короче, косяки перечислены и как они на них реагировать будут.
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сообщение 29.1.2009, 13:53
Сообщение #47

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Короче, косяки перечислены и как они на них реагировать будут.

Вернее, перечислены косяки и отмазки типа разберемся, мы ничего сделать не можем, это проблемы браузера и т.д. некоторые пункты обещают исследовать.
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сообщение 17.3.2009, 0:20
Сообщение #48

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Тут упоминалось про глюки игры с дровами так это не проблема DICE а проблема дров Nvidia, качайте новые дрова 182.08 WHQL, в игре изчезли глюки и заработало сглаживание, во всяком случае у меня всё внорме стало.

Сообщение отредактировал Hanzo - 17.3.2009, 0:22
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сообщение 17.3.2009, 15:30
Сообщение #49

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да я думаю, что все эти плюшки наверно под последние видюшки заточены, а моя 6600 ГТ врятле с этими дровами прибавит производительности...., не смотря на то, что она есть в списке поддерживаемых видеокарт... rolleyes.gif
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сообщение 17.3.2009, 16:05
Сообщение #50

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тут имеется странный патч...под названием 1.512 rolleyes.gif

Называется он так
Battlefield2142-485and941A-to-1512.zip :D
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сообщение 17.3.2009, 16:07
Сообщение #51

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Last modified
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сообщение 17.3.2009, 18:35
Сообщение #52

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да :angry: , а еще это уже обсуждалось выше.... cry.gif
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сообщение 19.3.2009, 12:53
Сообщение #53

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Почти 4 месяца прошло с момента анонса патча....
ЕА на днях расщедрилось на очередную инфу о патче

Operation Blue Pearl - название карты.
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сообщение 19.3.2009, 13:06
Сообщение #54

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На 2142 походу ниче не будет.
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сообщение 19.3.2009, 13:23
Сообщение #55

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Цитата(Mecenat @ Четверг, 19 Марта 2009, 15:06:33) *
На 2142 походу ниче не будет.

Карта будет как для BF2, так и для BF2142.
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сообщение 19.3.2009, 13:25
Сообщение #56

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Прикольно, а скрины еще никто не нашел? главное что б не как Тампа!
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сообщение 19.3.2009, 13:37
Сообщение #57

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Atomik2000 - сообщение №16 на 1 странице - там скрины.
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сообщение 19.3.2009, 13:45
Сообщение #58

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Ну там написано, что основа - инфантри. и немного техники. летающей байды нет.
скрины уже 100 лет назад выкладывали.
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сообщение 19.3.2009, 20:41
Сообщение #59

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EdTambov serg2044
Да, если чесно тему перечитывал, но эту ссылку на скрины не увидел, сориsmile.gif
Мда, жаль архитектура не меняется, они только играют с расположением объектов и фоном: что то типа продолжения НС, Европу замело снегом, на улице - 34. Последний батальон ЕС вынужден отступать в глубь, на восток...шел год 2149...война, война никогда не кончается, (злой смех Буагагага), занавес, аплодисменты :lol:
понесло остапа rolleyes.gif
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сообщение 23.4.2009, 11:52
Сообщение #60

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Итак, как известно патч 1.50 для БФ2 в настоящее время в бете, а о 1.51 для БФ2142 свежей информации давно не было.
Вот линк на новости
Кратко, завершение работы над патчем будет продолжено после финализации 1.50 для БФ2,
в патче профиксят известные хаки, обещают улучшить стабильность серверов (меньше крашей),
о дате релиза - снова ни слова :angry:
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