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Статистика - новые песни о старом, Проблема с генерацией статистики
сообщение 11.8.2013, 22:52
Сообщение #1

Сообщений: 0
Регистрация: --
Пользователь №:

Всем привет!
Прошу помощи. Буду очень благодарен вам за советы, куда копать и что искать.
У меня некорректно работает статистика на вновь запущенном сервере RealWar.
Суть проблемы: при клике по ссылке игрока отображается только верхние три таблицы с основной информацией (Player Profile, Team Profile, Combat Profile). Все остальные таблицы в сплошных нулях.
Игра запущена на Linux, а точнее на Debian 6.
Игровой сервер и сервер статистики крутятся на одной машине с IP

Посмотреть статистику можно здесь.

Игровой сервер BF2, статистику и прочее устанавливал по мануалу «Ранговый Battlefield 2 сервер на Debian 6 | Часть 1 … Часть 3». Файлы брал там же. Много нужного и полезного брал отсюда.

Статистику пробовал начиная с версии bf2statistics_1.4.2 и заканчивая bf2statisitcs_2.2.0.

1) конфигурационный файл ASP

*  Battlefield 2 Private Stats Config  *
* All comments have been removed from  *
* this file. Please use the Web Admin  *
* to change values.                    *
$db_expected_ver = '2.2.0';
$db_host = '';
$db_port = 3306;
$db_name = 'bf2stats';
$db_user = 'root';
$db_pass = ' mypassw1';
$admin_user = 'admin';
$admin_pass = 'mypassw2';
$admin_hosts = array('','localhost','myIPaddress');
$admin_backup_path = '/path/to/my/www/ASP/_backups/';
$admin_backup_ext = '.bak';
$admin_ignore_ai = 0;
$stats_ignore_ai = 0;
$stats_min_game_time = 0;
$stats_min_player_game_time = 0;
$stats_players_min = 1;
$stats_players_max = 256;
$stats_rank_check = 0;
$stats_rank_tenure = 7;
$stats_process_smoc = 1;
$stats_process_gen = 1;
$stats_awds_complete = 0;
$stats_lan_override = '';
$stats_local_pids = array('LocalPlayer01','','LocalPlayer02','');
$debug_lvl = 2;
$game_hosts = array('','localhost','::1','');
$game_custom_mapid = 700;
$game_unlocks = 1;
$game_unlocks_bonus = 2;
$game_unlocks_bonus_min = 1;
$game_awds_ignore_time = 0;
$game_default_pid = 29000000;

2) кусок из BF2StatisticsConfig.py

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BF2Statistics 2.2.0 - Config File
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Conventions:
#    0 -> Disable
#    1 -> Enable
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Debug Logging
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug_enable = 1
debug_log_path = 'python/bf2/logs'              # Relative from BF2 base folder
debug_fraglog_enable = 0                        # Detailed 'Fragalyzer' Logs

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Backend Web Server
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
http_backend_addr = ''
http_backend_port = 80
http_backend_asp = ''

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Backup Central Community Web Server (OPTIONAL)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note: this cabalility is for linking stats data to a centrally maintained STATS #
#   server.  This could be useful for those who are running a LAN or Tournament   #
#   (with local STATS), but wish to have this data credited to their normal STATS #
#   DB. There are three (3) options for the central DB update:                    #
#     0: Disabled - 'nuff said!                                                   #
#     1: Sync  - This simply copies the SNAPSHOT as-is to the central DB          #
#     2: Minimal - Record everything, except Rank & Award data (typically use     #
#                               for LANs or Tournaments where local db starts blank)              #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
http_central_enable = 0                         # Use settings above (0, 1, 2)
http_central_addr = ''     # Address Central STATS Server
http_central_port = 80
http_central_asp = ''

3) кусок из «snapshot.py»

#HOST = ''                                         # webserver listening ip address
#PORT = 80                                                      # webserver listening http port
#PATH = ''            # webserver path to script, relative to rootdir
#PREFIX = ''                                            # log file prefix

Логи из папки ASP/system/logs
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 2
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 3
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 4
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 5
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 6
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 7
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 8
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 9
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 10
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 11
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 12
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 13
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 14
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 15
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 16
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 17
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 18
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 19
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 20
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 21
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 22
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 23
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 24
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 25
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 26
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 27
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 28
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 29
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 30
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 31
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 32
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 33
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 34
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 35
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 36
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 37
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 38
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 39
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 40
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 41
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 42
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 43
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 44
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 45
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 46
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 47
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 48
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 49
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 50
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 51
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 52
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 53
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 54
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 55
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 56
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 57
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 58
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 59
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 60
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 61
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 62
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 63
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 64
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 65
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 66
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 67
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 68
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 69
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 70
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 71
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 72
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 73
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 74
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 75
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 76
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 77
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 78
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 79
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 80
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 81
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 82
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 83
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 84
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 85
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 86
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 87
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 88
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 89
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 90
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 91
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 92
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 93
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 94
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 95
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 96
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 97
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 98
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 99
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 100
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 101
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 102
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 103
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 104
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 105
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 106
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 107
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 108
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 109
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 110
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 111
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 112
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 113
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 114
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 115
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 116
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 117
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 118
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 119
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 120
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 121
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 122
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 123
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 124
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 125
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 126
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 127
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 128
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 129
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 130
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 131
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 132
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 133
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 134
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 135
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 136
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 137
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 138
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 139
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 140
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 141
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 142
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 143
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 144
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 145
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 146
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 147
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 148
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 149
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 150
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 151
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 152
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 153
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 154
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 155
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 156
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 157
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 158
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 159
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 160
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 161
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 162
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 163
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 164
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 165
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 166
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 167
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 168
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 169
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 170
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 171
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 172
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 173
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 174
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 175
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 176
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 177
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 178
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 179
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 180
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 181
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 182
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 183
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 184
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 185
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 186
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 187
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 188
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 189
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 190
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 191
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 192
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 193
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 194
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 195
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 196
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 197
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 198
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 199
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 200
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 201
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 202
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 203
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 204
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 205
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 206
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 207
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 208
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 209
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 210
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 211
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 212
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 213
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 214
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 215
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 216
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 217
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 218
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 219
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 220
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 221
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 222
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 223
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 224
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 225
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 226
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 227
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 228
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 229
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 230
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 231
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 232
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 233
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 234
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 235
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 236
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 237
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 238
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 239
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 240
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 241
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 242
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 243
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 244
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 245
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 246
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 247
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 248
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 249
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 250
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 251
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 252
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 253
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 254
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 255
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 256
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- ERROR: Data Hole Limit Reached: 256
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- INFO: SNAPSHOT Data File Processed: BF2-tetsuzan_bridge_20130801_2318.txt in 0.078 seconds, using 9 database queries (0.026570320129395)
2013-08-08 19:32:24 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1375975944,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-08 19:35:07 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1375976107,70,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-08 19:58:44 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (446327895,1375977524,336,2,0,0,2,0,2,0)

2013-08-08 20:25:09 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1375979109,1097,4,0,4,0,2,4,0)

2013-08-08 22:50:19 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1375987819,835,26,0,16,10,8,10,0)

2013-08-08 23:19:11 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 16
2013-08-08 23:19:11 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 17
2013-08-08 23:19:11 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 18
2013-08-08 23:19:11 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 19
2013-08-08 23:19:11 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (113503888,1375989551,67,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 13
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 14
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 15
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 16
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 17
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 18
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 19
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (446327895,1376235538,242,2,0,2,0,1,5,0)

2013-08-11 19:45:55 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193197463,1376235955,308,14,0,12,2,6,9,0)

2013-08-11 22:22:01 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (999,1376245321,1559,24,0,18,6,9,17,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:39 -- INFO: ----- Importing 125 Logs -----
2013-08-11 22:26:39 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (999,1376245599,1559,24,0,18,6,9,17,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:40 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245600,178,10,0,0,10,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:41 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245601,175,10,0,0,10,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:42 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (294911125,1376245602,105,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:43 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257140685,1376245603,223,14,0,0,14,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:44 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257140685,1376245604,1033,34,0,10,24,5,7,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:46 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257140685,1376245606,219,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:47 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (446100882,1376245607,74,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:48 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245608,3106,135,0,102,33,51,41,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:49 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245609,167,11,0,6,5,3,5,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:50 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245610,655,19,0,10,9,5,11,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:51 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245611,951,42,0,32,10,16,17,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:52 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245612,1160,83,0,58,25,29,26,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:53 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245613,365,9,0,10,0,5,6,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:54 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245614,1331,72,0,54,18,27,12,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:55 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (84005737,1376245615,12,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:56 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (385848169,1376245616,131,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:57 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (410958774,1376245617,142,4,0,0,4,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:59 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245619,189,4,0,0,4,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:00 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (108701903,1376245620,235,12,0,0,12,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:01 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (108701903,1376245621,68,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:02 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (108701903,1376245622,183,8,0,0,8,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:03 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (108701903,1376245623,233,10,0,0,10,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:04 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (220552039,1376245624,41,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:05 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245625,1145,47,0,30,17,15,13,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:06 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245626,696,55,0,38,17,19,10,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:07 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245627,1137,41,0,28,13,14,14,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:09 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (434346733,1376245629,1216,0,0,0,0,9,6,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:10 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (434346733,1376245630,1204,0,0,0,0,6,3,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:11 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (434346733,1376245631,1027,28,0,28,0,15,7,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:12 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (264227475,1376245632,68,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:13 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257140685,1376245633,127,2,0,0,2,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:14 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245634,1534,32,0,22,10,11,9,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:15 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245635,1350,61,0,52,9,25,18,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:16 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (447985471,1376245636,52,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:17 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (447985471,1376245637,1890,11,1,36,0,18,9,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:18 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (334833737,1376245638,871,32,0,28,4,14,4,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:19 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245639,1128,46,0,32,14,16,14,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:20 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245640,1172,27,0,20,7,10,12,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:21 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245641,634,25,0,20,5,10,12,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:22 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245642,1686,78,0,48,30,23,36,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:24 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245644,850,57,0,40,17,20,13,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:25 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245645,397,14,0,10,4,5,7,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:26 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245646,1583,92,0,72,20,36,31,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:27 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (247713013,1376245647,225,6,0,0,6,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:28 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (247713013,1376245648,650,14,0,14,0,7,6,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:29 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245649,506,10,0,6,4,3,2,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:30 -- INFO: Minimum player count or Minimum game time requirement not met. Players connected (0), Round Time (72
2013-08-11 22:27:31 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245651,1591,35,0,32,3,10,18,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:32 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (401509327,1376245652,1837,80,0,60,20,30,28,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:33 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (84005737,1376245653,10,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:34 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (334833737,1376245654,494,0,0,0,0,0,5,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:35 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245655,158,0,0,2,0,1,3,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:36 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245656,13,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:37 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245657,932,60,0,36,24,18,19,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:39 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (127992470,1376245659,9,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:40 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245660,2917,76,0,52,24,26,27,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:41 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245661,428,2,0,0,2,0,3,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:42 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245662,388,11,0,10,1,5,6,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:43 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245663,204,12,0,8,4,4,5,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:44 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245664,981,18,0,10,8,5,8,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:45 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (449665713,1376245665,48,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:46 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245666,661,25,0,18,7,9,4,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:47 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245667,1413,39,0,24,15,12,16,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:48 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245668,1316,52,0,46,6,23,17,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:49 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (373004450,1376245669,9,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:50 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245670,3107,56,0,54,2,27,8,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:51 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (330281661,1376245671,12,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:52 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245672,86,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:54 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (285963671,1376245674,528,15,0,6,9,3,7,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:55 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (285963671,1376245675,141,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:56 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (285963671,1376245676,421,9,0,8,1,4,11,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:57 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (285963671,1376245677,615,43,0,30,13,15,9,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:58 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (285963671,1376245678,2166,87,0,62,25,31,54,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:59 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245679,827,66,0,48,18,24,5,3)

2013-08-11 22:28:00 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245680,1716,37,0,38,0,19,22,3)

2013-08-11 22:28:01 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245681,343,6,0,4,2,2,2,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:02 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245682,392,7,0,6,1,3,6,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:03 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245683,305,29,0,26,3,13,3,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:04 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (364246510,1376245684,63,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:05 -- INFO: Minimum player count or Minimum game time requirement not met. Players connected (0), Round Time (293
2013-08-11 22:28:07 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245687,285,6,0,0,6,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:08 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245688,103,2,0,0,2,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:09 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (226150892,1376245689,577,0,0,0,0,0,3,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:10 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245690,52,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:11 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245691,832,59,0,38,21,19,13,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:12 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245692,1010,63,0,54,9,12,7,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:13 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245693,864,31,0,20,11,10,12,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:14 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (424523060,1376245694,1208,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:15 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245695,237,8,0,0,8,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:16 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (84005737,1376245696,2850,84,0,56,28,28,31,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:17 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (84005737,1376245697,54,2,0,0,2,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:18 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (254486844,1376245698,43,0,0,0,0,0,1,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:20 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (164606254,1376245700,3882,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:21 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (164606254,1376245701,1983,88,0,68,20,31,15,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:22 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (164606254,1376245702,396,24,0,18,6,9,3,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:23 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (164606254,1376245703,585,31,0,32,0,15,8,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:24 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (164606254,1376245704,3025,213,0,148,65,74,47,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:25 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (428926370,1376245705,544,4,0,4,0,2,9,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:26 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245706,25,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:27 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245707,1066,4,0,16,0,7,13,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:28 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245708,37,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:29 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245709,96,4,0,4,0,2,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:30 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245710,51,0,0,0,0,0,2,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:31 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (451172353,1376245711,203,2,0,0,2,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:32 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (254486844,1376245712,2447,199,0,126,73,63,28,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:33 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245713,69,0,0,0,0,0,4,3)

2013-08-11 22:28:34 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245714,190,4,0,0,4,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:36 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245716,97,2,0,0,2,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:37 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245717,305,6,0,2,4,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:38 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245718,328,13,0,8,5,4,1,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:39 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245719,1378,95,66,24,4,23,12,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:40 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245720,91,2,0,2,0,1,1,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:41 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245721,1030,0,0,2,0,1,5,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:42 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245722,217,1,0,0,1,0,1,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:43 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1376245723,36,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:44 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1376245724,772,4,0,2,2,1,2,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:45 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245725,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:46 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245726,70,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:47 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (446327895,1376245727,336,2,0,0,2,0,2,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:48 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1376245728,1097,4,0,4,0,2,4,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:49 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1376245729,835,26,0,16,10,8,10,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:51 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (113503888,1376245731,67,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:52 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (446327895,1376245732,242,2,0,2,0,1,5,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:53 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193197463,1376245733,308,14,0,12,2,6,9,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:54 -- INFO: ----- Import Logs Complete. Imported 0 logs in 02 Minutes -----
2013-08-11 22:29:29 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (999,1376245769,1559,24,0,18,6,9,17,3)

2013-08-11 22:45:04 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (177325990,1376246704,137,6,0,0,6,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:47:50 -- ERROR: Data Hole Limit Reached: 256
2013-08-11 22:47:50 -- INFO: SNAPSHOT Data File Processed: BF2-strike_at_karkand_20130811_2245.txt in 0.026 seconds, using 8 database queries (0.0070719718933105)

Сообщение отредактировал Milvus - 11.8.2013, 23:02
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сообщение 11.8.2013, 23:03
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[02-Aug-2013 19:48:31] PHP Warning: arsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 375
[02-Aug-2013 19:48:31] PHP Warning: key() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 376
[02-Aug-2013 19:48:31] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 386
[02-Aug-2013 19:48:31] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchColumn() on a non-object in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 388
[05-Aug-2013 21:01:01] PHP Warning: arsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 375
[05-Aug-2013 21:01:01] PHP Warning: key() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 376
[05-Aug-2013 21:01:01] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 386
[05-Aug-2013 21:01:01] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchColumn() on a non-object in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 388
[11-Aug-2013 19:27:26] PHP Warning: arsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 375
[11-Aug-2013 19:27:26] PHP Warning: key() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 376
[11-Aug-2013 19:27:26] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 386
[11-Aug-2013 19:27:26] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchColumn() on a non-object in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 388
[11-Aug-2013 19:31:32] PHP Warning: arsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 375
[11-Aug-2013 19:31:32] PHP Warning: key() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 376
[11-Aug-2013 19:31:32] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 386
[11-Aug-2013 19:31:32] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchColumn() on a non-object in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 388
[11-Aug-2013 19:33:26] PHP Warning: arsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 375
[11-Aug-2013 19:33:26] PHP Warning: key() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 376
[11-Aug-2013 19:33:26] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 386
[11-Aug-2013 19:33:26] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchColumn() on a non-object in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 388
[11-Aug-2013 19:33:55] PHP Warning: arsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 375
[11-Aug-2013 19:33:55] PHP Warning: key() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 376
[11-Aug-2013 19:33:55] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 386
[11-Aug-2013 19:33:55] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchColumn() on a non-object in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 388
[11-Aug-2013 19:34:15] PHP Warning: arsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 375
[11-Aug-2013 19:34:15] PHP Warning: key() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 376
[11-Aug-2013 19:34:15] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 386
[11-Aug-2013 19:34:15] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchColumn() on a non-object in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 388
[11-Aug-2013 22:23:34] PHP Notice: Undefined index: player_ in /path/to/my/www/ASP/system/modules/Serverinfo.php on line 277
[11-Aug-2013 22:25:38] PHP Notice: Undefined index: player_ in /path/to/my/www/ASP/system/modules/Serverinfo.php on line 277
[11-Aug-2013 22:26:17] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DB in /path/to/my/www/ASP/system/core/Player.php on line 307
[11-Aug-2013 22:26:17] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /path/to/my/www/ASP/system/core/Player.php on line 307
[11-Aug-2013 22:38:00] PHP Warning: arsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 375
[11-Aug-2013 22:38:00] PHP Warning: key() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 376
[11-Aug-2013 22:38:00] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 386
[11-Aug-2013 22:38:00] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchColumn() on a non-object in /path/to/my/www/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx on line 388

Лог из папки bf2/python/bf2/logs

BF2 Logging Started: 08/11/13 22:41:23
Stat constants loaded
scoring common init
Persistant stats module initialized.
End of round module initialized.
Snapshot module initialized
Medal awarding module initialized
Global key string: &info=rank,ktm-,dfcp,rpar,vtm-,bksk,scor,wdsk,wkl-,heal,dsab,cdsc,tsql,tsqm,wins,vkl-,twsc,time,kill,rsup,tcdr,vac-
Initializing unlock module...
Unlock module initialized
Fragalyzer log module initialized.
[2013-08-11 22:41:23] Info: Loading config 'mods/bf2/settings/modmanager.con'
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_logger' v1.5 loaded
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_logger' initialised
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Creating Multiplay, ModManager v2.1 for Battlefield 2 (www.multiplay.co.uk)
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Starting ModManager Rcon v7.4 on
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'login' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'logout' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'users' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'kick' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'ban' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'banby' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'banlist' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'unban' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'clearbans' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'list' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'profileid' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'profileids' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'listlocked' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'maplist' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'map' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'exec' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'help' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler '?' registered (alias)
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: ModManager Rcon started
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_rcon' v7.4 loaded
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_rcon' initialised
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_banmanager' v3.6 loaded
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'bm' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_banmanager' initialised
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_tk_punish' v2.3 loaded
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_kicker' v2.6 loaded
warning: Non-ASCII character '\xa7' in file admin/modules/mm_announcer.py on line 46, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_announcer' v1.8 loaded
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_bf2cc' v7.2 loaded
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_autobalance' v2.5 loaded
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Loaded 5 additional modules
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'mm' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_tk_punish' initialised
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'kicker' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_kicker' initialised
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'announcer' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_announcer' initialised
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Rcon command handler 'bf2cc' registered
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_bf2cc' initialised
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Module 'mm_autobalance' initialized
[2013-08-11 22:41:24] Info: Initialised 5 modules
gpm_cq.py initialized
Reset orderiterator to 0 based on highest pid kept
Reloading players
[2013-08-11 22:41:50] Info: Validating maplist...
[2013-08-11 22:41:50] Info: No maplist changes required
Conquest gamemode initialized.
[2013-08-11 22:41:55] Info: Authed 'tcp:' by AdminServer.basicAuth at level 100
[2013-08-11 22:41:56] Info: Authed 'tcp:' by AdminServer.basicAuth at level 100
[2013-08-11 22:41:56] Info: Authed 'tcp:' by AdminServer.basicAuth at level 100
[2013-08-11 22:41:57] Error: rcon: failed to shutdown client connection (Connection reset by peer)
[2013-08-11 22:41:57] Error: rcon: failed to shutdown client connection (Connection reset by peer)
[2013-08-11 22:41:57] Error: rcon: failed to shutdown client connection (Connection reset by peer)
[2013-08-11 22:41:57] Info: cmdExec 'maplist.list' by tcp:
[2013-08-11 22:41:57] Info: cmdExec 'admin.nextLevel' by tcp:
[2013-08-11 22:41:58] Info: cmdExec 'admin.currentLevel' by tcp:
[2013-08-11 22:42:00] Info: cmdExec 'maplist.list' by tcp:
[2013-08-11 22:42:01] Info: cmdExec 'admin.nextLevel' by tcp:
[2013-08-11 22:42:01] Info: cmdExec 'admin.currentLevel' by tcp:
Player Manager module initialized
Creating new record for player profileId 177325990
Will retrieve medals from GSI...
roundMedals: {}
Added player 0, Malleus_M (177325990) to medal/rank checking
Getting Stats...
Requesting player STATS
Requesting player AWARDS
Unlock module: onPlayerConnect
Requesting unlocks: Success
Added player 0 to unlock checking
Awards response received: ()
Player medals: {}
Stats response received for player 0, size 50.
Key ktm-4 not found in stats response
Key ktm-5 not found in stats response
Key ktm-6 not found in stats response
Key dfcp not found in stats response
Key ktm-0 not found in stats response
Key ktm-1 not found in stats response
Key ktm-2 not found in stats response
Key ktm-3 not found in stats response
Key rpar not found in stats response
Key vtm-4 not found in stats response
Key bksk not found in stats response
Key vtm-1 not found in stats response
Key vtm-0 not found in stats response
Key vtm-3 not found in stats response
Key scor not found in stats response
Key wdsk not found in stats response
Key wkl-9 not found in stats response
Key heal not found in stats response
Key wkl-5 not found in stats response
Key dsab not found in stats response
Key wkl-11 not found in stats response
Key cdsc not found in stats response
Key tsql not found in stats response
Key tsqm not found in stats response
Key wins not found in stats response
Key vkl-1 not found in stats response
Key vkl-0 not found in stats response
Key vkl-3 not found in stats response
Key twsc not found in stats response
Key time not found in stats response
Key kill not found in stats response
Key rsup not found in stats response
Key tcdr not found in stats response
Key rank not found in stats response
Unlocks received for player 0 ( Malleus_M): (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555)
Kit unlocks: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Reset orderiterator to 1 based on highest pid kept
Player id=0 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 0 to medal/rank checking
Conquest gamemode initialized.
Timer object destroyed (rc 0)
STATS onPlayerSpawn Malleus_M
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=8 --- enterAt:83.897785 score:0
STATS onEnterVehicle: Enter vehicle=us_heavy_soldier type=8 Pos=-85.937,163.747,-57.077
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M newWeapon=usrif_m203 triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=0 --- enterAt:83.897785 score:0
STATS onPickupKit Malleus_M kit=US_Assault
STATS onPickupKit Malleus_M triggering --> player.stats.kits[kitType].enter(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=1 --- enterAt:83.897785 score:0
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M oldWeapon=usrif_m203 triggering --> player.stats.weapons[oldWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=0 --- timeInObject:21.031866 score:0
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M newWeapon=kni_knife triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=10 --- enterAt:104.929651 score:0
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M oldWeapon=kni_knife triggering --> player.stats.weapons[oldWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=10 --- timeInObject:1.937754 score:0
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M newWeapon=usrif_m203 triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=0 --- enterAt:106.867405 score:0
Resetting enterPctAt for player Malleus_M
0 is in radius. v= us_heavy_soldier
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M oldWeapon=usrif_m203 triggering --> player.stats.weapons[oldWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=0 --- timeInObject:34.958436 score:0
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M newWeapon=usrgl_m203 triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=1 --- enterAt:120.793975 score:0
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M oldWeapon=usrgl_m203 triggering --> player.stats.weapons[oldWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=1 --- timeInObject:9.530063 score:2
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M newWeapon=usrif_m203 triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=0 --- enterAt:130.324038 score:2
0 is in radius. v= us_heavy_soldier
Resetting enterPctAt for player Malleus_M
0 is in radius. v= us_heavy_soldier
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=0 --- timeInObject:50.779934 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=20 --- enterAt:146.145536 score:2
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=6 --- enterAt:146.145536 score:2
STATS onEnterVehicle: Enter vehicle=ats_hj8 type=6 Pos=-93.134,155.601,48.083
0 is in radius. v= ats_hj8
Players in vehicle Malleus_M
0 is in radius. v= ats_hj8
0 is in radius. v= us_heavy_soldier
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=0 --- enterAt:165.500026 score:4
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=6 --- timeInObject:19.35449 score:2
STATS onExitVehicle: Exit vehicle=ats_hj8 type=6 Pos=-93.134,155.601,48.083
Player exiting Malleus_M
0 is in radius. v= us_heavy_soldier
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M oldWeapon=usrif_m203 triggering --> player.stats.weapons[oldWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=0 --- timeInObject:62.849094 score:0
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M newWeapon=uspis_92fs triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=5 --- enterAt:177.569186 score:4
Resetting enterPctAt for player Malleus_M
0 is in radius. v= us_heavy_soldier
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M oldWeapon=uspis_92fs triggering --> player.stats.weapons[oldWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=5 --- timeInObject:31.254361 score:0
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M newWeapon=hgr_molotov triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=20 --- enterAt:208.823547 score:4
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M oldWeapon=hgr_molotov triggering --> player.stats.weapons[oldWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=20 --- timeInObject:2.105097 score:0
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M newWeapon=uspis_92fs triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=5 --- enterAt:210.928644 score:4
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M oldWeapon=uspis_92fs triggering --> player.stats.weapons[oldWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=5 --- timeInObject:37.683333 score:0
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon Malleus_M newWeapon=hgr_smoke triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Enter type=20 --- enterAt:217.357616 score:4
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=8 --- timeInObject:137.89461 score:6
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=1 --- timeInObject:137.89461 score:6
STATS ObjectStat: Malleus_M Exit type=20 --- timeInObject:6.539876 score:2
Invoked end-of-round data-send
\tk1p0\137\csp0\0\drsn\ Malleus_M\skn1\ Malleus_M\tsn\ Malleus_M\bfp0\35\revn\ Malleus_M\rep\0\rev\0\ts\6\np0\ Malleus_M\sv8\6\rspn\ Malleus_M\sv6\2\hen\ Malleus_M\tsp0\6\kan\ Malleus_M\tv6p0\19\repn\ Malleus_M\cpcn\ Malleus_M\ssn\ Mal$
Gathering SNAPSHOT Data
Assembling snapshot
Finished Pre-Compile SNAPSHOT
Running MOD: bf2
Army 1 (1) Score: 0
Army 2 (0) Score: 213
Snapshot Pre-processing complete: BF2\DELTA Infantry Best Map!\gameport\16567\queryport\29900\mapname\strike_at_karkand\mapid\4\mapstart\1376246551.8\mapend\1376246704.67\win\2\gm\0\m\4\v\bf2\pc\1\rwa\0\ra1\1\rs1\0\ra2\0\rs2\213\rst2\2$
Num clients to base snap on: 1
Processing PID: 177325990
Medals Found (177325990), Processing Medals Snapshot
Found Medal (1031406_1:kcb)
Found Medal (1031406_2:kcb)
Found Medal (1031406_3:kcb)
Found Medal (1031619_1:pcb)
Found Medal (1031619_2:pcb)
Found Medal (1031619_3:pcb)
Found Medal (1031119_1:Acb)
Found Medal (1031119_2:Acb)
Found Medal (1031119_3:Acb)
Found Medal (1031120_1:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031120_2:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031120_3:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031109_1:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031109_2:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031109_3:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031115_1:Socb)
Found Medal (1031115_2:Socb)
Found Medal (1031115_3:Socb)
Found Medal (1031121_1:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031121_2:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031121_3:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031105_1:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031105_2:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031105_3:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031113_1:Mcb)
Found Medal (1031113_2:Mcb)
Found Medal (1031113_3:Mcb)
Found Medal (1032415_1:Eob)
Found Medal (1032415_2:Eob)
Found Medal (1032415_3:Eob)
Found Medal (1190601_1:Fab)
Found Medal (1190601_2:Fab)
Found Medal (1190601_3:Fab)
Found Medal (1190507_1:Eb)
Found Medal (1190507_2:Eb)
Found Medal (1190507_3:Eb)
Found Medal (1191819_1:Rb)
Found Medal (1191819_2:Rb)
Found Medal (1191819_3:Rb)
Found Medal (1190304_1:Cb)
Found Medal (1190304_2:Cb)
Found Medal (1190304_3:Cb)
Found Medal (1220118_1:Ab)
Found Medal (1220118_2:Ab)
Found Medal (1220118_3:Ab)
Found Medal (1222016_1:Tb)
Found Medal (1222016_2:Tb)
Found Medal (1222016_3:Tb)
Found Medal (1220803_1:Hb)
Found Medal (1220803_2:Hb)
Found Medal (1220803_3:Hb)
Found Medal (1220122_1:Avb)
Found Medal (1220122_2:Avb)
Found Medal (1220122_3:Avb)
Found Medal (1220104_1:adb)
Found Medal (1220104_2:adb)
Found Medal (1220104_3:adb)
Found Medal (1031923_1:Swb)
Found Medal (1031923_2:Swb)
Found Medal (1031923_3:Swb)
Found Medal (3240301:Car)
Found Medal (3211305:Mur)
Found Medal (3150914:Ior)
Found Medal (3151920:Sor)
Found Medal (3190409:Dsr)
Found Medal (3242303:Wcr)
Found Medal (3212201:Vur)
Found Medal (3241213:Lmr)
Found Medal (3190318:Csr)
Found Medal (3190118:Arr)
Found Medal (3190105:Aer)
Found Medal (3190803:Hsr)
Found Medal (3040109:Adr)
Found Medal (3040718:Gdr)
Found Medal (3240102:Ar)
Found Medal (3240703:gcr)
Found Medal (2191608:ph)
Found Medal (2191319:Msm)
Found Medal (2190303:Cam)
Found Medal (2190309:Acm)
Found Medal (2190318:Arm)
Found Medal (2190308:Hcm)
Found Medal (2190703:gcm)
Found Medal (2020903:Cim)
Found Medal (2020913:Mim)
Found Medal (2020919:Sim)
Found Medal (2021322:Mvm)
Found Medal (2020419:Dsm)
Doing Player SNAPSHOTS
Sending SNAPSHOT to backend:
SNAPSHOT log file: python/bf2/logs/snapshots/sent/BF2-strike_at_karkand_20130811_2245.txt
SNAPSHOT Processing Time: 0
Cleaning out unconnected players from stats map
Cleaning out unconnected players from medal map
Repacked stats map. Stats map size=1. OrderIt changed from 1 to 1
Destroyed timer
Reset orderiterator to 1 based on highest pid kept
Player id=0 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 0 to medal

Если необходимы какие-то дополнительные данные, я готов предоставить. Заранее спасибо.

Сообщение отредактировал Milvus - 11.8.2013, 23:08
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сообщение 12.8.2013, 20:35
Сообщение #3

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Проблема разрешилась! Не без помощи sh@rk'а, за что ему большое человеческое спасибо.
Собака оказалась зарыта в не совсем правильных файлах bf2statistics.php, которые шли в комплекте с этим вариантом ASP v.1.4.2, а также типа с исправленным вариантом из вебморды bf2REW. Еще раз напомню, что делал все по этой инструкции (спасибо им большое). Уважаемый sh@rk передал мне свой вариант ASP v.1.4.2, где файл bf2statistics.php оказался в правильной кондиции. Вот скрины тех трех кусков, где имеется разница в файлах


В общем, я сделал даунгрейд ASP статистики, базы данных и всего прочего с версии 2.2.0 до версии v.1.4.2 by sh@rk. Сейчас все работает (тьфу, тьфу)

Сообщение отредактировал Milvus - 12.8.2013, 20:37
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