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Статистика - новые песни о старом - Форумы Боевого Народа

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Статистика - новые песни о старом, Проблема с генерацией статистики
сообщение 11.8.2013, 22:52
Сообщение #1

Сообщений: 0
Регистрация: --
Пользователь №:

Всем привет!
Прошу помощи. Буду очень благодарен вам за советы, куда копать и что искать.
У меня некорректно работает статистика на вновь запущенном сервере RealWar.
Суть проблемы: при клике по ссылке игрока отображается только верхние три таблицы с основной информацией (Player Profile, Team Profile, Combat Profile). Все остальные таблицы в сплошных нулях.
Игра запущена на Linux, а точнее на Debian 6.
Игровой сервер и сервер статистики крутятся на одной машине с IP

Посмотреть статистику можно здесь.

Игровой сервер BF2, статистику и прочее устанавливал по мануалу «Ранговый Battlefield 2 сервер на Debian 6 | Часть 1 … Часть 3». Файлы брал там же. Много нужного и полезного брал отсюда.

Статистику пробовал начиная с версии bf2statistics_1.4.2 и заканчивая bf2statisitcs_2.2.0.

1) конфигурационный файл ASP

*  Battlefield 2 Private Stats Config  *
* All comments have been removed from  *
* this file. Please use the Web Admin  *
* to change values.                    *
$db_expected_ver = '2.2.0';
$db_host = '';
$db_port = 3306;
$db_name = 'bf2stats';
$db_user = 'root';
$db_pass = ' mypassw1';
$admin_user = 'admin';
$admin_pass = 'mypassw2';
$admin_hosts = array('','localhost','myIPaddress');
$admin_backup_path = '/path/to/my/www/ASP/_backups/';
$admin_backup_ext = '.bak';
$admin_ignore_ai = 0;
$stats_ignore_ai = 0;
$stats_min_game_time = 0;
$stats_min_player_game_time = 0;
$stats_players_min = 1;
$stats_players_max = 256;
$stats_rank_check = 0;
$stats_rank_tenure = 7;
$stats_process_smoc = 1;
$stats_process_gen = 1;
$stats_awds_complete = 0;
$stats_lan_override = '';
$stats_local_pids = array('LocalPlayer01','','LocalPlayer02','');
$debug_lvl = 2;
$game_hosts = array('','localhost','::1','');
$game_custom_mapid = 700;
$game_unlocks = 1;
$game_unlocks_bonus = 2;
$game_unlocks_bonus_min = 1;
$game_awds_ignore_time = 0;
$game_default_pid = 29000000;

2) кусок из BF2StatisticsConfig.py

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BF2Statistics 2.2.0 - Config File
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Conventions:
#    0 -> Disable
#    1 -> Enable
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Debug Logging
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug_enable = 1
debug_log_path = 'python/bf2/logs'              # Relative from BF2 base folder
debug_fraglog_enable = 0                        # Detailed 'Fragalyzer' Logs

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Backend Web Server
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
http_backend_addr = ''
http_backend_port = 80
http_backend_asp = ''

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Backup Central Community Web Server (OPTIONAL)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note: this cabalility is for linking stats data to a centrally maintained STATS #
#   server.  This could be useful for those who are running a LAN or Tournament   #
#   (with local STATS), but wish to have this data credited to their normal STATS #
#   DB. There are three (3) options for the central DB update:                    #
#     0: Disabled - 'nuff said!                                                   #
#     1: Sync  - This simply copies the SNAPSHOT as-is to the central DB          #
#     2: Minimal - Record everything, except Rank & Award data (typically use     #
#                               for LANs or Tournaments where local db starts blank)              #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
http_central_enable = 0                         # Use settings above (0, 1, 2)
http_central_addr = ''     # Address Central STATS Server
http_central_port = 80
http_central_asp = ''

3) кусок из «snapshot.py»

#HOST = ''                                         # webserver listening ip address
#PORT = 80                                                      # webserver listening http port
#PATH = ''            # webserver path to script, relative to rootdir
#PREFIX = ''                                            # log file prefix

Логи из папки ASP/system/logs
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 2
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 3
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 4
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 5
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 6
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 7
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 8
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 9
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 10
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 11
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 12
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 13
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 14
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 15
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 16
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 17
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 18
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 19
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 20
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 21
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 22
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 23
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 24
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 25
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 26
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 27
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 28
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 29
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 30
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 31
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 32
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 33
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 34
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 35
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 36
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 37
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 38
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 39
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 40
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 41
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 42
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 43
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 44
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 45
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 46
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 47
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 48
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 49
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 50
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 51
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 52
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 53
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 54
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 55
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 56
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 57
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 58
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 59
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 60
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 61
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 62
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 63
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 64
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 65
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 66
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 67
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 68
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 69
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 70
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 71
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 72
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 73
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 74
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 75
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 76
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 77
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 78
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 79
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 80
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 81
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 82
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 83
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 84
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 85
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 86
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 87
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 88
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 89
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 90
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 91
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 92
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 93
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 94
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 95
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 96
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 97
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 98
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 99
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 100
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 101
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 102
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 103
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 104
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 105
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 106
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 107
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 108
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 109
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 110
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 111
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 112
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 113
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 114
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 115
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 116
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 117
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 118
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 119
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 120
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 121
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 122
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 123
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 124
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 125
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 126
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 127
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 128
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 129
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 130
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 131
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 132
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 133
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 134
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 135
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 136
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 137
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 138
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 139
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 140
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 141
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 142
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 143
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 144
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 145
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 146
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 147
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 148
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 149
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 150
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 151
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 152
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 153
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 154
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 155
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 156
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 157
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 158
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 159
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 160
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 161
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 162
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 163
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 164
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 165
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 166
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 167
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 168
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 169
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 170
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 171
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 172
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 173
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 174
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 175
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 176
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 177
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 178
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 179
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 180
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 181
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 182
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 183
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 184
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 185
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 186
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 187
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 188
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 189
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 190
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 191
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 192
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 193
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 194
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 195
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 196
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 197
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 198
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 199
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 200
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 201
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 202
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 203
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 204
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 205
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 206
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 207
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 208
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 209
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 210
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 211
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 212
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 213
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 214
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 215
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 216
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 217
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 218
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 219
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 220
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 221
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 222
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 223
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 224
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 225
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 226
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 227
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 228
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 229
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 230
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 231
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 232
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 233
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 234
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 235
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 236
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 237
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 238
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 239
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 240
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 241
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 242
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 243
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 244
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 245
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 246
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 247
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 248
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 249
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 250
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 251
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 252
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 253
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 254
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 255
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 256
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- ERROR: Data Hole Limit Reached: 256
2013-08-01 23:31:28 -- INFO: SNAPSHOT Data File Processed: BF2-tetsuzan_bridge_20130801_2318.txt in 0.078 seconds, using 9 database queries (0.026570320129395)
2013-08-08 19:32:24 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1375975944,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-08 19:35:07 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1375976107,70,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-08 19:58:44 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (446327895,1375977524,336,2,0,0,2,0,2,0)

2013-08-08 20:25:09 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1375979109,1097,4,0,4,0,2,4,0)

2013-08-08 22:50:19 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1375987819,835,26,0,16,10,8,10,0)

2013-08-08 23:19:11 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 16
2013-08-08 23:19:11 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 17
2013-08-08 23:19:11 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 18
2013-08-08 23:19:11 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 19
2013-08-08 23:19:11 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (113503888,1375989551,67,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 13
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 14
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 15
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 16
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 17
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 18
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- WARNING: Data Hole Detected, Player Count now: 19
2013-08-11 19:38:58 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (446327895,1376235538,242,2,0,2,0,1,5,0)

2013-08-11 19:45:55 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193197463,1376235955,308,14,0,12,2,6,9,0)

2013-08-11 22:22:01 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (999,1376245321,1559,24,0,18,6,9,17,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:39 -- INFO: ----- Importing 125 Logs -----
2013-08-11 22:26:39 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (999,1376245599,1559,24,0,18,6,9,17,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:40 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245600,178,10,0,0,10,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:41 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245601,175,10,0,0,10,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:42 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (294911125,1376245602,105,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:43 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257140685,1376245603,223,14,0,0,14,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:44 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257140685,1376245604,1033,34,0,10,24,5,7,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:46 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257140685,1376245606,219,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:47 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (446100882,1376245607,74,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:48 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245608,3106,135,0,102,33,51,41,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:49 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245609,167,11,0,6,5,3,5,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:50 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245610,655,19,0,10,9,5,11,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:51 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245611,951,42,0,32,10,16,17,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:52 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245612,1160,83,0,58,25,29,26,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:53 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245613,365,9,0,10,0,5,6,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:54 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245614,1331,72,0,54,18,27,12,3)

2013-08-11 22:26:55 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (84005737,1376245615,12,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:56 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (385848169,1376245616,131,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:57 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (410958774,1376245617,142,4,0,0,4,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:26:59 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245619,189,4,0,0,4,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:00 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (108701903,1376245620,235,12,0,0,12,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:01 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (108701903,1376245621,68,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:02 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (108701903,1376245622,183,8,0,0,8,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:03 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (108701903,1376245623,233,10,0,0,10,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:04 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (220552039,1376245624,41,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:05 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245625,1145,47,0,30,17,15,13,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:06 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245626,696,55,0,38,17,19,10,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:07 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245627,1137,41,0,28,13,14,14,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:09 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (434346733,1376245629,1216,0,0,0,0,9,6,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:10 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (434346733,1376245630,1204,0,0,0,0,6,3,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:11 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (434346733,1376245631,1027,28,0,28,0,15,7,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:12 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (264227475,1376245632,68,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:13 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257140685,1376245633,127,2,0,0,2,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:14 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245634,1534,32,0,22,10,11,9,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:15 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245635,1350,61,0,52,9,25,18,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:16 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (447985471,1376245636,52,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:17 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (447985471,1376245637,1890,11,1,36,0,18,9,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:18 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (334833737,1376245638,871,32,0,28,4,14,4,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:19 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245639,1128,46,0,32,14,16,14,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:20 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245640,1172,27,0,20,7,10,12,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:21 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245641,634,25,0,20,5,10,12,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:22 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245642,1686,78,0,48,30,23,36,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:24 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245644,850,57,0,40,17,20,13,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:25 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245645,397,14,0,10,4,5,7,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:26 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245646,1583,92,0,72,20,36,31,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:27 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (247713013,1376245647,225,6,0,0,6,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:28 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (247713013,1376245648,650,14,0,14,0,7,6,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:29 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245649,506,10,0,6,4,3,2,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:30 -- INFO: Minimum player count or Minimum game time requirement not met. Players connected (0), Round Time (72
2013-08-11 22:27:31 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245651,1591,35,0,32,3,10,18,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:32 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (401509327,1376245652,1837,80,0,60,20,30,28,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:33 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (84005737,1376245653,10,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:34 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (334833737,1376245654,494,0,0,0,0,0,5,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:35 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245655,158,0,0,2,0,1,3,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:36 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245656,13,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:37 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245657,932,60,0,36,24,18,19,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:39 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (127992470,1376245659,9,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:40 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245660,2917,76,0,52,24,26,27,3)

2013-08-11 22:27:41 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245661,428,2,0,0,2,0,3,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:42 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245662,388,11,0,10,1,5,6,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:43 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245663,204,12,0,8,4,4,5,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:44 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (229722628,1376245664,981,18,0,10,8,5,8,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:45 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (449665713,1376245665,48,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:46 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245666,661,25,0,18,7,9,4,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:47 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245667,1413,39,0,24,15,12,16,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:48 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245668,1316,52,0,46,6,23,17,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:49 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (373004450,1376245669,9,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:50 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245670,3107,56,0,54,2,27,8,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:51 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (330281661,1376245671,12,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:52 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245672,86,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:27:54 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (285963671,1376245674,528,15,0,6,9,3,7,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:55 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (285963671,1376245675,141,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:56 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (285963671,1376245676,421,9,0,8,1,4,11,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:57 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (285963671,1376245677,615,43,0,30,13,15,9,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:58 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (285963671,1376245678,2166,87,0,62,25,31,54,1)

2013-08-11 22:27:59 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245679,827,66,0,48,18,24,5,3)

2013-08-11 22:28:00 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245680,1716,37,0,38,0,19,22,3)

2013-08-11 22:28:01 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245681,343,6,0,4,2,2,2,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:02 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245682,392,7,0,6,1,3,6,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:03 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245683,305,29,0,26,3,13,3,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:04 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (364246510,1376245684,63,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:05 -- INFO: Minimum player count or Minimum game time requirement not met. Players connected (0), Round Time (293
2013-08-11 22:28:07 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245687,285,6,0,0,6,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:08 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245688,103,2,0,0,2,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:09 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (226150892,1376245689,577,0,0,0,0,0,3,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:10 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245690,52,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:11 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245691,832,59,0,38,21,19,13,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:12 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245692,1010,63,0,54,9,12,7,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:13 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (147352282,1376245693,864,31,0,20,11,10,12,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:14 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (424523060,1376245694,1208,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:15 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (361176953,1376245695,237,8,0,0,8,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:16 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (84005737,1376245696,2850,84,0,56,28,28,31,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:17 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (84005737,1376245697,54,2,0,0,2,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:18 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (254486844,1376245698,43,0,0,0,0,0,1,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:20 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (164606254,1376245700,3882,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:21 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (164606254,1376245701,1983,88,0,68,20,31,15,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:22 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (164606254,1376245702,396,24,0,18,6,9,3,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:23 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (164606254,1376245703,585,31,0,32,0,15,8,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:24 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (164606254,1376245704,3025,213,0,148,65,74,47,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:25 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (428926370,1376245705,544,4,0,4,0,2,9,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:26 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245706,25,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:27 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245707,1066,4,0,16,0,7,13,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:28 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245708,37,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:29 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245709,96,4,0,4,0,2,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:30 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245710,51,0,0,0,0,0,2,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:31 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (451172353,1376245711,203,2,0,0,2,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:32 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (254486844,1376245712,2447,199,0,126,73,63,28,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:33 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193324121,1376245713,69,0,0,0,0,0,4,3)

2013-08-11 22:28:34 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245714,190,4,0,0,4,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:36 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245716,97,2,0,0,2,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:37 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245717,305,6,0,2,4,0,0,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:38 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245718,328,13,0,8,5,4,1,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:39 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245719,1378,95,66,24,4,23,12,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:40 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245720,91,2,0,2,0,1,1,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:41 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245721,1030,0,0,2,0,1,5,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:42 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (297080775,1376245722,217,1,0,0,1,0,1,1)

2013-08-11 22:28:43 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1376245723,36,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:44 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1376245724,772,4,0,2,2,1,2,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:45 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245725,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:46 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (257688914,1376245726,70,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:47 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (446327895,1376245727,336,2,0,0,2,0,2,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:48 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1376245728,1097,4,0,4,0,2,4,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:49 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (158544772,1376245729,835,26,0,16,10,8,10,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:51 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (113503888,1376245731,67,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:52 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (446327895,1376245732,242,2,0,2,0,1,5,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:53 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (193197463,1376245733,308,14,0,12,2,6,9,0)

2013-08-11 22:28:54 -- INFO: ----- Import Logs Complete. Imported 0 logs in 02 Minutes -----
2013-08-11 22:29:29 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (999,1376245769,1559,24,0,18,6,9,17,3)

2013-08-11 22:45:04 -- ERROR: Error updating player stats!
Database ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query String: INSERT INTO `player_history` VALUES (177325990,1376246704,137,6,0,0,6,0,0,0)

2013-08-11 22:47:50 -- ERROR: Data Hole Limit Reached: 256
2013-08-11 22:47:50 -- INFO: SNAPSHOT Data File Processed: BF2-strike_at_karkand_20130811_2245.txt in 0.026 seconds, using 8 database queries (0.0070719718933105)

Сообщение отредактировал Milvus - 11.8.2013, 23:02
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