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Problems with menugame, Не присваиваются звания в игре
сообщение 1.1.2013, 0:14
Сообщение #1

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С Новым годом!

У меня имеется не рашеный вопрос, даже не знаю, что с ним делать?!
Помогите пожалуйста!!! Если создал тему не в том месте не серчайте, я человек новый, поэтому переместите в нужный раздел...

Итак, есть сервачок, который крутится на freebsd с установленной статой, которая работает,
а вот стата в меню игры не фурычит

Подскажите где и куда копать???

За ранее благодарен.
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сообщение 1.1.2013, 11:10
Сообщение #2

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хост должен быть перенаправлен у клиентов. в поиск.
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сообщение 1.1.2013, 11:52
Сообщение #3

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Если можно, поподробней пожалуйста !
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сообщение 2.1.2013, 4:08
Сообщение #4

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Цитата(uks_serg @ Вторник, 1 Января 2013, 13:10:05) [snapback]1797007[/snapback]

хост должен быть перенаправлен у клиентов. в поиск.

Дезинформируете, уважаемый.
Перенаправление у клиентов не поможет решить проблему загрузки статы сервером.

Нужно сделать
# echo ' bf2web.gamespy.com'  >> /etc/hosts

где - ваш IP сервера статистики.
Если статистика находится там же, то

По большому счёту http://bf2web.gamespy.com/ASP/getplayerid....?nick=noise2011 должен выдать инфу с вашего сервера статистики, а не с глобального.

Сообщение отредактировал Tema567 - 2.1.2013, 4:08
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сообщение 2.1.2013, 13:22
Сообщение #5

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Цитата(Tema567 @ Среда, 2 Января 2013, 04:08:02) [snapback]1797260[/snapback]

Цитата(uks_serg @ Вторник, 1 Января 2013, 13:10:05) [snapback]1797007[/snapback]

хост должен быть перенаправлен у клиентов. в поиск.

Дезинформируете, уважаемый.
Перенаправление у клиентов не поможет решить проблему загрузки статы сервером.

Нужно сделать
# echo ' bf2web.gamespy.com'  >> /etc/hosts

где - ваш IP сервера статистики.
Если статистика находится там же, то

По большому счёту http://bf2web.gamespy.com/ASP/getplayerid....?nick=noise2011 должен выдать инфу с вашего сервера статистики, а не с глобального.

Tema567 спасибо за ответ, дело в том, что сделал как Вы сказали, но не работает.
Раньше в hosts был записан внешний IP сервера, сделал через локалхост, а точнее, что одно и тоже, ребутнул сервак, подождал немного, но все то же самое, в чем может быть проблема чудес же не бывает?
Ещё варианты будут?

http://bf2web.gamespy.com/bf2sclone/ выдает инфу с моего сервера статистики, с глобального не в коем случае

Сервер батлы и сервер статы находятся на одной машине

Помогите пожалуйста!!!

Сообщение отредактировал Евгений_ZA - 2.1.2013, 13:29
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сообщение 2.1.2013, 13:58
Сообщение #6

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че ето я дезинформирую? если стата пишется а BFHQ все по нулям то хост у клиентов нужно перенаправлять. у него написано: "а вот стата в меню игры не фурычит"- меню игры это BFHQ, то что в игре самой нет очков это уже с сервером непорядок. везде ставь в конфигах. только хост на сервере внешний адрес.
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сообщение 2.1.2013, 15:01
Сообщение #7

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Ок, спасибо, попробую отпишусь.
Еще раз спасибо )
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сообщение 2.1.2013, 15:47
Сообщение #8

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Цитата(uks_serg @ Среда, 2 Января 2013, 15:58:44) [snapback]1797400[/snapback]

че ето я дезинформирую? если стата пишется а BFHQ все по нулям то хост у клиентов нужно перенаправлять. у него написано: "а вот стата в меню игры не фурычит"- меню игры это BFHQ

У него ведь не BFHQ нарисован на картинке и под меню игры похоже имел в виду саму игру (ScoreBoard). А перенаправление клиентов скорее даст обратный эффект, BFHQ работать будет если с ASP веб-мордой все порядке.

Евгений_ZA, в ASP сделай Test Config и выложи лог сюда.
И проверь содержание каталога python сервера, отредактирован ли скрипт BF2StatsConfig.py? Вообще дополнительный питон установлен?
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сообщение 2.1.2013, 20:32
Сообщение #9

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Вы оба правы не в BFHQ не в ScoreBoard в самой игре.... не работют, т.е. статистику вебсервер в игру не отдаёт, получается все в одном направлении ты играешь стата записывается в мускул, присваиваются звания, очки и т.д --> с статой на вебсервере все в полном ажуре, а вот званий в игре нет, бегаешь все время рядовым ))) Работает только ASP, нонсенс, но так и есть.

Что касается тест конфига и лога, выкладываю все по порядку:

1. Тест конфига

Раскрывающийся текст
All System Checks Passed! Your system is ready to start recieving stats.

> Checking Config File...
- Config File Writable (system/config/config.php): Pass
> Checking Database Config...
- Database host (localhost) access: Pass
- Database (bf2stats) exists: Pass
- Database version (1.5.1): Pass
> Checking Log Files...
- Stats Debug Log File Writable (system/logs/stats_debug.log): Pass
- Admin Log File Writable (system/logs/admin_event.log): Pass
- Merge Players Log File Writable (system/logs/merge_players.log): Pass
- Validate Awards Log File Writable (system/logs/validate_awards.log): Pass
- Validate Ranks Log File Writable (system/logs/validate_ranks.log): Pass
> Checking SNAPSHOT Storage Path...
- SNAPSHOT Temporary Path Writable (system/snapshots/temp): Pass
- SNAPSHOT Processed Path Writable (system/snapshots/processed): Pass
> Checking Database Backup Storage Path...
- Backup Path Writable (system/database/backups/): Pass
> Checking Remote URL Functions...
- Remote URL Function Exist ('FOPEN'): Pass
> Checking BF2Statistics Processing...
- BF2Statistics Processing Check: Pass
> Checking Gamespy (.aspx) File Basic Response...
- Gamespy (.aspx) Basic Response: Pass
> Checking Gamespy (.aspx) File Advanced Responses...
- Gamespy (.aspx) Advanced (1) Response: Pass
- Gamespy (.aspx) Advanced (2) Response: Pass
- Gamespy (.aspx) Advanced (3) Response: Pass
-> Remove Test Player Data: Pass
-> Server Info (TST113553681950e46974646d2) removed from Table (servers): Pass
-> Map Info (999) removed from Table (mapinfo): Pass
-> Map Info (999) removed from Table (round_history): Pass

2. Лог статс.дебуг

Раскрывающийся текст
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: SNAPSHOT Data Complete (test_map:20060903_0929)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: SNAPSHOT Data Logged (/usr/local/www/data/ASP/system/snapshots/temp/TST113553681950e46974646d2-test_map_20060903_0929.txt)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Database version expected: 1.5.1, Found: 1.5.1
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Begin Processing (test_map)...
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: - Predefined Custom Map (999)...
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Found 1 Player(s)...
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing Player (999)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Adding NEW Player (999)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing Army Data (999)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing Kill Data (999)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing Vehicle Data (999)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing Kit Data (999)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing Weapon Data (999)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing Map Data (999)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing Award Data (999)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: End Loop 0
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing Game Server:
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing Map Info Data (test_map:999)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing Round History Data
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing SMOC Rank
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: Processing GENERAL Rank
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- NOTICE: SNAPSHOT Data File Moved! (/usr/local/www/data/ASP/system/snapshots/temp/TST113553681950e46974646d2-test_map_20060903_0929.txt -> /usr/local/www/data/ASP/system/snapshots/processed/TST113553681950e46974646d2-test_map_20060903_0929.txt)
2013-01-02 19:08:04 -- INFO: SNAPSHOT Data File Processed: TST113553681950e46974646d2-test_map_20060903_0929.txt in 0.027 seconds, using 69 database queries (0.02257)

Что касается питона, установку проводил по мануалу, вот тут

Сообщение отредактировал Евгений_ZA - 2.1.2013, 20:55
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сообщение 3.1.2013, 15:49
Сообщение #10

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И соответственно логи последней игры с питона БФ2

Раскрывающийся текст
BF2 Logging Started: 01/03/13 12:24:38
warning: Non-ASCII character '\xa7' in file mods/brw/python/game/head_shot_main.py on line 178, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
handheldList imported successfully
Handheld weapons lower-cased
Head-shot module initialised
Configuration is:
c_msgStyle 1
c_canBeRevived 1
c_oneBulletForHS 0
Stat constants loaded
scoring common init
Persistant stats module initialized.
End of round module initialized.
Snapshot module initialized
Medal awarding module initialized
Global key string: &info=rank,ktm-,dfcp,rpar,vtm-,bksk,scor,wdsk,wkl-,heal,dsab,cdsc,tsql,tsqm,wins,vkl-,twsc,time,kill,rsup,tcdr,vac-
Initializing unlock module...
Unlock module initialized
Fragalyzer log module initialized.
ImportError: No module named modmanager
gpm_cq.py initialized
Reset orderiterator to 0 based on highest pid kept
Reloading players
Conquest gamemode initialized.
BF2 Logging Started: 01/03/13 12:25:08
warning: Non-ASCII character '\xa7' in file mods/brw/python/game/head_shot_main.py on line 178, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
handheldList imported successfully
Handheld weapons lower-cased
Head-shot module initialised
Configuration is:
c_msgStyle 1
c_canBeRevived 1
c_oneBulletForHS 0
Stat constants loaded
scoring common init
Persistant stats module initialized.
End of round module initialized.
Snapshot module initialized
Medal awarding module initialized
Global key string: &info=rank,ktm-,dfcp,rpar,vtm-,bksk,scor,wdsk,wkl-,heal,dsab,cdsc,tsql,tsqm,wins,vkl-,twsc,time,kill,rsup,tcdr,vac-
Initializing unlock module...
Unlock module initialized
Fragalyzer log module initialized.
ImportError: No module named modmanager
gpm_cq.py initialized
Reset orderiterator to 0 based on highest pid kept
Reloading players
Conquest gamemode initialized.
Player Manager module initialized
Creating new record for player profileId 329134353
Will retrieve medals from GSI...
roundMedals: {}
Added player 0, noise2011 (329134353) to medal/rank checking
Getting Stats...
Requesting player STATS
Requesting player AWARDS
Unlock module: onPlayerConnect
Requesting unlocks: Success
Added player 0 to unlock checking
Unlocks received for player 0 ( noise2011): (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555)
Kit unlocks: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Awards response received: ()
Player medals: {}
Stats response received for player 0, size 20.
Key ktm-4 not found in stats response
Key ktm-5 not found in stats response
Key ktm-6 not found in stats response
Key dfcp not found in stats response
Key ktm-0 not found in stats response
Key ktm-1 not found in stats response
Key ktm-2 not found in stats response
Key ktm-3 not found in stats response
Key rpar not found in stats response
Key vtm-4 not found in stats response
Key bksk not found in stats response
Key vtm-1 not found in stats response
Key vtm-0 not found in stats response
Key vtm-3 not found in stats response
Key scor not found in stats response
Key wdsk not found in stats response
Key wkl-9 not found in stats response
Key heal not found in stats response
Key wkl-5 not found in stats response
Key dsab not found in stats response
Key wkl-11 not found in stats response
Key cdsc not found in stats response
Key tsql not found in stats response
Key tsqm not found in stats response
Key wins not found in stats response
Key vkl-1 not found in stats response
Key vkl-0 not found in stats response
Key vkl-3 not found in stats response
Key twsc not found in stats response
Key time not found in stats response
Key kill not found in stats response
Key rsup not found in stats response
Key tcdr not found in stats response
Key rank not found in stats response
Player Manager module initialized
Creating new record for player profileId 391151665
Will retrieve medals from GSI...
roundMedals: {}
Added player 1, --46--IVANOVICH (391151665) to medal/rank checking
Getting Stats...
Requesting player STATS
Requesting player AWARDS
Unlock module: onPlayerConnect
Requesting unlocks: Success
Added player 1 to unlock checking
Awards response received: ()
Player medals: {}
Unlocks received for player 1 ( --46--IVANOVICH): (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555)
Kit unlocks: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Stats response received for player 1, size 20.
Key ktm-4 not found in stats response
Key ktm-5 not found in stats response
Key ktm-6 not found in stats response
Key dfcp not found in stats response
Key ktm-0 not found in stats response
Key ktm-1 not found in stats response
Key ktm-2 not found in stats response
Key ktm-3 not found in stats response
Key rpar not found in stats response
Key vtm-4 not found in stats response
Key bksk not found in stats response
Key vtm-1 not found in stats response
Key vtm-0 not found in stats response
Key vtm-3 not found in stats response
Key scor not found in stats response
Key wdsk not found in stats response
Key wkl-9 not found in stats response
Key heal not found in stats response
Key wkl-5 not found in stats response
Key dsab not found in stats response
Key wkl-11 not found in stats response
Key cdsc not found in stats response
Key tsql not found in stats response
Key tsqm not found in stats response
Key wins not found in stats response
Key vkl-1 not found in stats response
Key vkl-0 not found in stats response
Key vkl-3 not found in stats response
Key twsc not found in stats response
Key time not found in stats response
Key kill not found in stats response
Key rsup not found in stats response
Key tcdr not found in stats response
Key rank not found in stats response
Reset orderiterator to 2 based on highest pid kept
Player id=0 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 0 to medal/rank checking
Getting Stats...
Requesting player STATS
Requesting player AWARDS
Player id=1 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 1 to medal/rank checking
Getting Stats...
Requesting player STATS
Requesting player AWARDS
Conquest gamemode initialized.
Timer object destroyed (rc 0)
Stats response received for player 1, size 20.
Key ktm-4 not found in stats response
Key ktm-5 not found in stats response
Key ktm-6 not found in stats response
Key dfcp not found in stats response
Key ktm-0 not found in stats response
Key ktm-1 not found in stats response
Key ktm-2 not found in stats response
Key ktm-3 not found in stats response
Key rpar not found in stats response
Key vtm-4 not found in stats response
Key bksk not found in stats response
Key vtm-1 not found in stats response
Key vtm-0 not found in stats response
Key vtm-3 not found in stats response
Key scor not found in stats response
Key wdsk not found in stats response
Key wkl-9 not found in stats response
Key heal not found in stats response
Key wkl-5 not found in stats response
Key dsab not found in stats response
Key wkl-11 not found in stats response
Key cdsc not found in stats response
Key tsql not found in stats response
Key tsqm not found in stats response
Key wins not found in stats response
Key vkl-1 not found in stats response
Key vkl-0 not found in stats response
Key vkl-3 not found in stats response
Key twsc not found in stats response
Key time not found in stats response
Key kill not found in stats response
Key rsup not found in stats response
Key tcdr not found in stats response
Key rank not found in stats response
Stats response received for player 0, size 20.
Key ktm-4 not found in stats response
Key ktm-5 not found in stats response
Key ktm-6 not found in stats response
Key dfcp not found in stats response
Key ktm-0 not found in stats response
Key ktm-1 not found in stats response
Key ktm-2 not found in stats response
Key ktm-3 not found in stats response
Key rpar not found in stats response
Key vtm-4 not found in stats response
Key bksk not found in stats response
Key vtm-1 not found in stats response
Key vtm-0 not found in stats response
Key vtm-3 not found in stats response
Key scor not found in stats response
Key wdsk not found in stats response
Key wkl-9 not found in stats response
Key heal not found in stats response
Key wkl-5 not found in stats response
Key dsab not found in stats response
Key wkl-11 not found in stats response
Key cdsc not found in stats response
Key tsql not found in stats response
Key tsqm not found in stats response
Key wins not found in stats response
Key vkl-1 not found in stats response
Key vkl-0 not found in stats response
Key vkl-3 not found in stats response
Key twsc not found in stats response
Key time not found in stats response
Key kill not found in stats response
Key rsup not found in stats response
Key tcdr not found in stats response
Key rank not found in stats response
Awards response received: ()
Player medals: {}
Awards response received: ()
Player medals: {}
STATS onPlayerSpawn noise2011
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Enter type=8 --- enterAt:746.50648 score:0
STATS onEnterVehicle: Enter vehicle=us_light_soldier type=8 Pos=27.493,51.507,216.831
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon noise2011
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon noise2011 newWeapon=usrif_m4 triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Enter type=2 --- enterAt:746.50648 score:0
STATS onPickupKit noise2011 kit=US_Specops
STATS onPickupKit noise2011 triggering --> player.stats.kits[kitType].enter(player)
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Enter type=4 --- enterAt:746.50648 score:0
STATS onPlayerSpawn --46--IVANOVICH
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Enter type=8 --- enterAt:746.50648 score:0
STATS onEnterVehicle: Enter vehicle=ch_heavy_soldier type=8 Pos=-73.549,40.502,-136.629
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon --46--IVANOVICH
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon --46--IVANOVICH newWeapon=rurif_gp25 triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Enter type=0 --- enterAt:746.50648 score:0
STATS onPickupKit --46--IVANOVICH kit=CH_Assault
STATS onPickupKit --46--IVANOVICH triggering --> player.stats.kits[kitType].enter(player)
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Enter type=1 --- enterAt:746.50648 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Exit type=0 --- timeInObject:8.060872 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Enter type=20 --- enterAt:754.567352 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Enter type=3 --- enterAt:754.567352 score:0
STATS onEnterVehicle: Enter vehicle=ahe_z10 type=3 Pos=-63.138,40.747,-136.215
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Exit type=2 --- timeInObject:30.006994 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Exit type=8 --- timeInObject:30.006994 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Exit type=4 --- timeInObject:30.006994 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Exit type=3 --- timeInObject:21.946122 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Exit type=8 --- timeInObject:30.006994 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Exit type=1 --- timeInObject:30.006994 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Exit type=20 --- timeInObject:21.946122 score:0
Invoked end-of-round data-send
\csp0\0\csp1\0\tk1p1\30\drsn\ noise2011\skn4\ noise2011\np1\ --46--IVANOVICH\skn1\ --46--IVANOVICH\tsn\ noise2011\bfp0\0\bfp1\0\revn\ noise2011\rep\0\rev\0\ts\0\np0\ noise2011\ssp0\0\sv8\0\rspn\ noise2011\hen\ noise2011\ssp1\0\tk4p0\30\sv3\0\tsp1\0\tsp0\0\kan\ noise2011\repn\ noise2011\cpcn\ noise2011\ssn\ noise2011\cpan\ noise2011\svn8\ noise2011\rsp\0\svn3\ --46--IVANOVICH\he\0\sk4\0\ka\0\sk1\0\cpdn\ noise2011\ss\0\cpa\0\drs\0\cpc\0\cpd\0\tv8p1\30\tv3p1\21\tv8p0\30\bhp0\0\bhp1\0
Gathering SNAPSHOT Data
Assembling snapshot
Finished Pre-Compile SNAPSHOT
Running MOD: bf2
Army 1 (2) Score: 300
Army 2 (0) Score: 330
Snapshot Pre-processing complete: BF2\Cool server with plane\gameport\16567\queryport\29900\mapname\atom_day\mapid\99\mapstart\1357209424.48\mapend\1357209484.54\win\2\gm\0\m\99\v\bf2\pc\2\rwa\0\ra1\2\rs1\300\ra2\0\rs2\330\rst2\330
Num clients to base snap on: 2
Processing PID: 329134353
Medals Found (329134353), Processing Medals Snapshot
Found Medal (1031406_1:kcb)
Found Medal (1031406_2:kcb)
Found Medal (1031406_3:kcb)
Found Medal (1031619_1:pcb)
Found Medal (1031619_2:pcb)
Found Medal (1031619_3:pcb)
Found Medal (1031119_1:Acb)
Found Medal (1031119_2:Acb)
Found Medal (1031119_3:Acb)
Found Medal (1031120_1:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031120_2:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031120_3:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031109_1:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031109_2:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031109_3:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031115_1:Socb)
Found Medal (1031115_2:Socb)
Found Medal (1031115_3:Socb)
Found Medal (1031121_1:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031121_2:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031121_3:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031105_1:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031105_2:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031105_3:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031113_1:Mcb)
Found Medal (1031113_2:Mcb)
Found Medal (1031113_3:Mcb)
Found Medal (1032415_1:Eob)
Found Medal (1032415_2:Eob)
Found Medal (1032415_3:Eob)
Found Medal (1190601_1:Fab)
Found Medal (1190601_2:Fab)
Found Medal (1190601_3:Fab)
Found Medal (1190507_1:Eb)
Found Medal (1190507_2:Eb)
Found Medal (1190507_3:Eb)
Found Medal (1191819_1:Rb)
Found Medal (1191819_2:Rb)
Found Medal (1191819_3:Rb)
Found Medal (1190304_1:Cb)
Found Medal (1190304_2:Cb)
Found Medal (1190304_3:Cb)
Found Medal (1220118_1:Ab)
Found Medal (1220118_2:Ab)
Found Medal (1220118_3:Ab)
Found Medal (1222016_1:Tb)
Found Medal (1222016_2:Tb)
Found Medal (1222016_3:Tb)
Found Medal (1220803_1:Hb)
Found Medal (1220803_2:Hb)
Found Medal (1220803_3:Hb)
Found Medal (1220122_1:Avb)
Found Medal (1220122_2:Avb)
Found Medal (1220122_3:Avb)
Found Medal (1220104_1:adb)
Found Medal (1220104_2:adb)
Found Medal (1220104_3:adb)
Found Medal (1031923_1:Swb)
Found Medal (1031923_2:Swb)
Found Medal (1031923_3:Swb)
Found Medal (3240301:Car)
Found Medal (3211305:Mur)
Found Medal (3150914:Ior)
Found Medal (3151920:Sor)
Found Medal (3190409:Dsr)
Found Medal (3242303:Wcr)
Found Medal (3212201:Vur)
Found Medal (3241213:Lmr)
Found Medal (3190318:Csr)
Found Medal (3190118:Arr)
Found Medal (3190105:Aer)
Found Medal (3190803:Hsr)
Found Medal (3040109:Adr)
Found Medal (3040718:Gdr)
Found Medal (3240102:Ar)
Found Medal (3240703:gcr)
Found Medal (2191608:ph)
Found Medal (2191319:Msm)
Found Medal (2190303:Cam)
Found Medal (2190309:Acm)
Found Medal (2190318:Arm)
Found Medal (2190308:Hcm)
Found Medal (2190703:gcm)
Found Medal (2020903:Cim)
Found Medal (2020913:Mim)
Found Medal (2020919:Sim)
Found Medal (2021322:Mvm)
Found Medal (2020419:Dsm)
Processing PID: 391151665
Medals Found (391151665), Processing Medals Snapshot
Found Medal (1031406_1:kcb)
Found Medal (1031406_2:kcb)
Found Medal (1031406_3:kcb)
Found Medal (1031619_1:pcb)
Found Medal (1031619_2:pcb)
Found Medal (1031619_3:pcb)
Found Medal (1031119_1:Acb)
Found Medal (1031119_2:Acb)
Found Medal (1031119_3:Acb)
Found Medal (1031120_1:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031120_2:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031120_3:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031109_1:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031109_2:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031109_3:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031115_1:Socb)
Found Medal (1031115_2:Socb)
Found Medal (1031115_3:Socb)
Found Medal (1031121_1:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031121_2:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031121_3:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031105_1:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031105_2:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031105_3:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031113_1:Mcb)
Found Medal (1031113_2:Mcb)
Found Medal (1031113_3:Mcb)
Found Medal (1032415_1:Eob)
Found Medal (1032415_2:Eob)
Found Medal (1032415_3:Eob)
Found Medal (1190601_1:Fab)
Found Medal (1190601_2:Fab)
Found Medal (1190601_3:Fab)
Found Medal (1190507_1:Eb)
Found Medal (1190507_2:Eb)
Found Medal (1190507_3:Eb)
Found Medal (1191819_1:Rb)
Found Medal (1191819_2:Rb)
Found Medal (1191819_3:Rb)
Found Medal (1190304_1:Cb)
Found Medal (1190304_2:Cb)
Found Medal (1190304_3:Cb)
Found Medal (1220118_1:Ab)
Found Medal (1220118_2:Ab)
Found Medal (1220118_3:Ab)
Found Medal (1222016_1:Tb)
Found Medal (1222016_2:Tb)
Found Medal (1222016_3:Tb)
Found Medal (1220803_1:Hb)
Found Medal (1220803_2:Hb)
Found Medal (1220803_3:Hb)
Found Medal (1220122_1:Avb)
Found Medal (1220122_2:Avb)
Found Medal (1220122_3:Avb)
Found Medal (1220104_1:adb)
Found Medal (1220104_2:adb)
Found Medal (1220104_3:adb)
Found Medal (1031923_1:Swb)
Found Medal (1031923_2:Swb)
Found Medal (1031923_3:Swb)
Found Medal (3240301:Car)
Found Medal (3211305:Mur)
Found Medal (3150914:Ior)
Found Medal (3151920:Sor)
Found Medal (3190409:Dsr)
Found Medal (3242303:Wcr)
Found Medal (3212201:Vur)
Found Medal (3241213:Lmr)
Found Medal (3190318:Csr)
Found Medal (3190118:Arr)
Found Medal (3190105:Aer)
Found Medal (3190803:Hsr)
Found Medal (3040109:Adr)
Found Medal (3040718:Gdr)
Found Medal (3240102:Ar)
Found Medal (3240703:gcr)
Found Medal (2191608:ph)
Found Medal (2191319:Msm)
Found Medal (2190303:Cam)
Found Medal (2190309:Acm)
Found Medal (2190318:Arm)
Found Medal (2190308:Hcm)
Found Medal (2190703:gcm)
Found Medal (2020903:Cim)
Found Medal (2020913:Mim)
Found Medal (2020919:Sim)
Found Medal (2021322:Mvm)
Found Medal (2020419:Dsm)
Doing Player SNAPSHOTS
Sending SNAPSHOT to backend:
SNAPSHOT log file: python/bf2/logs/snapshots/sent/BF2-atom_day_20130103_1238.txt
SNAPSHOT Processing Time: 0
Cleaning out unconnected players from stats map
Cleaning out unconnected players from medal map
Repacked stats map. Stats map size=2. OrderIt changed from 2 to 2
Destroyed timer
gpm_cq.py uninitialized
gpm_cq.py initialized
Reset orderiterator to 2 based on highest pid kept
Player id=0 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 0 to medal/rank checking
Getting Stats...
Requesting player STATS
Requesting player AWARDS
Player id=1 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 1 to medal/rank checking
Getting Stats...
Requesting player STATS
Requesting player AWARDS
Conquest gamemode initialized.
Timer object destroyed (rc 0)
Reset orderiterator to 2 based on highest pid kept
Player id=0 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 0 to medal/rank checking
Player id=1 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 1 to medal/rank checking
Conquest gamemode initialized.
Timer object destroyed (rc 0)
Stats response received for player 1, size 20.
Key ktm-4 not found in stats response
Key ktm-5 not found in stats response
Key ktm-6 not found in stats response
Key dfcp not found in stats response
Key ktm-0 not found in stats response
Key ktm-1 not found in stats response
Key ktm-2 not found in stats response
Key ktm-3 not found in stats response
Key rpar not found in stats response
Key vtm-4 not found in stats response
Key bksk not found in stats response
Key vtm-1 not found in stats response
Key vtm-0 not found in stats response
Key vtm-3 not found in stats response
Key scor not found in stats response
Key wdsk not found in stats response
Key wkl-9 not found in stats response
Key heal not found in stats response
Key wkl-5 not found in stats response
Key dsab not found in stats response
Key wkl-11 not found in stats response
Key cdsc not found in stats response
Key tsql not found in stats response
Key tsqm not found in stats response
Key wins not found in stats response
Key vkl-1 not found in stats response
Key vkl-0 not found in stats response
Key vkl-3 not found in stats response
Key twsc not found in stats response
Key time not found in stats response
Key kill not found in stats response
Key rsup not found in stats response
Key tcdr not found in stats response
Key rank not found in stats response
Awards response received: ()
Player medals: {}
Awards response received: ()
Player medals: {}
Stats response received for player 0, size 20.
Key ktm-4 not found in stats response
Key ktm-5 not found in stats response
Key ktm-6 not found in stats response
Key dfcp not found in stats response
Key ktm-0 not found in stats response
Key ktm-1 not found in stats response
Key ktm-2 not found in stats response
Key ktm-3 not found in stats response
Key rpar not found in stats response
Key vtm-4 not found in stats response
Key bksk not found in stats response
Key vtm-1 not found in stats response
Key vtm-0 not found in stats response
Key vtm-3 not found in stats response
Key scor not found in stats response
Key wdsk not found in stats response
Key wkl-9 not found in stats response
Key heal not found in stats response
Key wkl-5 not found in stats response
Key dsab not found in stats response
Key wkl-11 not found in stats response
Key cdsc not found in stats response
Key tsql not found in stats response
Key tsqm not found in stats response
Key wins not found in stats response
Key vkl-1 not found in stats response
Key vkl-0 not found in stats response
Key vkl-3 not found in stats response
Key twsc not found in stats response
Key time not found in stats response
Key kill not found in stats response
Key rsup not found in stats response
Key tcdr not found in stats response
Key rank not found in stats response
STATS onPlayerSpawn noise2011
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Enter type=8 --- enterAt:846.771401 score:0
STATS onEnterVehicle: Enter vehicle=chinsurgent_soldier type=8 Pos=-93.319,77.235,-109.869
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon noise2011
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon noise2011 newWeapon=chrif_type95 triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Enter type=2 --- enterAt:846.771401 score:0
STATS onPickupKit noise2011 kit=chinsurgent_Specops
STATS onPickupKit noise2011 triggering --> player.stats.kits[kitType].enter(player)
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Enter type=4 --- enterAt:846.771401 score:0
STATS onPlayerSpawn --46--IVANOVICH
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Enter type=8 --- enterAt:846.771401 score:0
STATS onEnterVehicle: Enter vehicle=spetz_soldier type=8 Pos=96.488,66.891,76.934
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon --46--IVANOVICH
STATS onPlayerChangeWeapon --46--IVANOVICH newWeapon=ukrrif_svd triggering --> player.stats.weapons[newWeaponType].exit(player)
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Enter type=4 --- enterAt:846.771401 score:0
STATS onPickupKit --46--IVANOVICH kit=Spetsnaz_Sniper
STATS onPickupKit --46--IVANOVICH triggering --> player.stats.kits[kitType].enter(player)
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Enter type=6 --- enterAt:846.771401 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Exit type=2 --- timeInObject:30.013064 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Exit type=8 --- timeInObject:30.013064 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: noise2011 Exit type=4 --- timeInObject:30.013064 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Exit type=4 --- timeInObject:30.013064 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Exit type=8 --- timeInObject:30.013064 score:0
STATS ObjectStat: --46--IVANOVICH Exit type=6 --- timeInObject:30.013064 score:0
Invoked end-of-round data-send
\csp0\0\csp1\0\drsn\ noise2011\skn4\ noise2011\skn6\ --46--IVANOVICH\np1\ --46--IVANOVICH\np0\ noise2011\tsn\ noise2011\bfp0\0\bfp1\0\revn\ noise2011\rep\0\rev\0\ts\0\tk6p1\30\sv8\0\rspn\ noise2011\hen\ noise2011\ssp1\0\tk4p0\30\tsp1\0\tsp0\0\kan\ noise2011\repn\ noise2011\cpcn\ noise2011\ssn\ noise2011\cpan\ noise2011\svn8\ noise2011\rsp\0\ssp0\0\he\0\sk4\0\ka\0\sk6\0\cpdn\ noise2011\ss\0\cpa\0\drs\0\cpc\0\cpd\0\tv8p1\30\tv8p0\30\bhp0\0\bhp1\0
Gathering SNAPSHOT Data
Assembling snapshot
Finished Pre-Compile SNAPSHOT
Running MOD: bf2
Army 1 (5) Score: 300
Army 2 (7) Score: 300
Snapshot Pre-processing complete: BF2\Cool server with plane\gameport\16567\queryport\29900\mapname\goods_station\mapid\99\mapstart\1357209525.02\mapend\1357209584.82\win\0\gm\0\m\99\v\bf2\pc\2\ra1\5\rs1\300\ra2\7\rs2\300\rst2\300
Num clients to base snap on: 2
Processing PID: 329134353
Medals Found (329134353), Processing Medals Snapshot
Found Medal (1031406_1:kcb)
Found Medal (1031406_2:kcb)
Found Medal (1031406_3:kcb)
Found Medal (1031619_1:pcb)
Found Medal (1031619_2:pcb)
Found Medal (1031619_3:pcb)
Found Medal (1031119_1:Acb)
Found Medal (1031119_2:Acb)
Found Medal (1031119_3:Acb)
Found Medal (1031120_1:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031120_2:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031120_3:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031109_1:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031109_2:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031109_3:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031115_1:Socb)
Found Medal (1031115_2:Socb)
Found Medal (1031115_3:Socb)
Found Medal (1031121_1:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031121_2:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031121_3:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031105_1:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031105_2:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031105_3:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031113_1:Mcb)
Found Medal (1031113_2:Mcb)
Found Medal (1031113_3:Mcb)
Found Medal (1032415_1:Eob)
Found Medal (1032415_2:Eob)
Found Medal (1032415_3:Eob)
Found Medal (1190601_1:Fab)
Found Medal (1190601_2:Fab)
Found Medal (1190601_3:Fab)
Found Medal (1190507_1:Eb)
Found Medal (1190507_2:Eb)
Found Medal (1190507_3:Eb)
Found Medal (1191819_1:Rb)
Found Medal (1191819_2:Rb)
Found Medal (1191819_3:Rb)
Found Medal (1190304_1:Cb)
Found Medal (1190304_2:Cb)
Found Medal (1190304_3:Cb)
Found Medal (1220118_1:Ab)
Found Medal (1220118_2:Ab)
Found Medal (1220118_3:Ab)
Found Medal (1222016_1:Tb)
Found Medal (1222016_2:Tb)
Found Medal (1222016_3:Tb)
Found Medal (1220803_1:Hb)
Found Medal (1220803_2:Hb)
Found Medal (1220803_3:Hb)
Found Medal (1220122_1:Avb)
Found Medal (1220122_2:Avb)
Found Medal (1220122_3:Avb)
Found Medal (1220104_1:adb)
Found Medal (1220104_2:adb)
Found Medal (1220104_3:adb)
Found Medal (1031923_1:Swb)
Found Medal (1031923_2:Swb)
Found Medal (1031923_3:Swb)
Found Medal (3240301:Car)
Found Medal (3211305:Mur)
Found Medal (3150914:Ior)
Found Medal (3151920:Sor)
Found Medal (3190409:Dsr)
Found Medal (3242303:Wcr)
Found Medal (3212201:Vur)
Found Medal (3241213:Lmr)
Found Medal (3190318:Csr)
Found Medal (3190118:Arr)
Found Medal (3190105:Aer)
Found Medal (3190803:Hsr)
Found Medal (3040109:Adr)
Found Medal (3040718:Gdr)
Found Medal (3240102:Ar)
Found Medal (3240703:gcr)
Found Medal (2191608:ph)
Found Medal (2191319:Msm)
Found Medal (2190303:Cam)
Found Medal (2190309:Acm)
Found Medal (2190318:Arm)
Found Medal (2190308:Hcm)
Found Medal (2190703:gcm)
Found Medal (2020903:Cim)
Found Medal (2020913:Mim)
Found Medal (2020919:Sim)
Found Medal (2021322:Mvm)
Found Medal (2020419:Dsm)
Processing PID: 391151665
Medals Found (391151665), Processing Medals Snapshot
Found Medal (1031406_1:kcb)
Found Medal (1031406_2:kcb)
Found Medal (1031406_3:kcb)
Found Medal (1031619_1:pcb)
Found Medal (1031619_2:pcb)
Found Medal (1031619_3:pcb)
Found Medal (1031119_1:Acb)
Found Medal (1031119_2:Acb)
Found Medal (1031119_3:Acb)
Found Medal (1031120_1:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031120_2:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031120_3:Atcb)
Found Medal (1031109_1:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031109_2:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031109_3:Sncb)
Found Medal (1031115_1:Socb)
Found Medal (1031115_2:Socb)
Found Medal (1031115_3:Socb)
Found Medal (1031121_1:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031121_2:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031121_3:Sucb)
Found Medal (1031105_1:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031105_2:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031105_3:Ecb)
Found Medal (1031113_1:Mcb)
Found Medal (1031113_2:Mcb)
Found Medal (1031113_3:Mcb)
Found Medal (1032415_1:Eob)
Found Medal (1032415_2:Eob)
Found Medal (1032415_3:Eob)
Found Medal (1190601_1:Fab)
Found Medal (1190601_2:Fab)
Found Medal (1190601_3:Fab)
Found Medal (1190507_1:Eb)
Found Medal (1190507_2:Eb)
Found Medal (1190507_3:Eb)
Found Medal (1191819_1:Rb)
Found Medal (1191819_2:Rb)
Found Medal (1191819_3:Rb)
Found Medal (1190304_1:Cb)
Found Medal (1190304_2:Cb)
Found Medal (1190304_3:Cb)
Found Medal (1220118_1:Ab)
Found Medal (1220118_2:Ab)
Found Medal (1220118_3:Ab)
Found Medal (1222016_1:Tb)
Found Medal (1222016_2:Tb)
Found Medal (1222016_3:Tb)
Found Medal (1220803_1:Hb)
Found Medal (1220803_2:Hb)
Found Medal (1220803_3:Hb)
Found Medal (1220122_1:Avb)
Found Medal (1220122_2:Avb)
Found Medal (1220122_3:Avb)
Found Medal (1220104_1:adb)
Found Medal (1220104_2:adb)
Found Medal (1220104_3:adb)
Found Medal (1031923_1:Swb)
Found Medal (1031923_2:Swb)
Found Medal (1031923_3:Swb)
Found Medal (3240301:Car)
Found Medal (3211305:Mur)
Found Medal (3150914:Ior)
Found Medal (3151920:Sor)
Found Medal (3190409:Dsr)
Found Medal (3242303:Wcr)
Found Medal (3212201:Vur)
Found Medal (3241213:Lmr)
Found Medal (3190318:Csr)
Found Medal (3190118:Arr)
Found Medal (3190105:Aer)
Found Medal (3190803:Hsr)
Found Medal (3040109:Adr)
Found Medal (3040718:Gdr)
Found Medal (3240102:Ar)
Found Medal (3240703:gcr)
Found Medal (2191608:ph)
Found Medal (2191319:Msm)
Found Medal (2190303:Cam)
Found Medal (2190309:Acm)
Found Medal (2190318:Arm)
Found Medal (2190308:Hcm)
Found Medal (2190703:gcm)
Found Medal (2020903:Cim)
Found Medal (2020913:Mim)
Found Medal (2020919:Sim)
Found Medal (2021322:Mvm)
Found Medal (2020419:Dsm)
Doing Player SNAPSHOTS
Sending SNAPSHOT to backend:
SNAPSHOT log file: python/bf2/logs/snapshots/sent/BF2-goods_station_20130103_1239.txt
SNAPSHOT Processing Time: 0
Cleaning out unconnected players from stats map
Cleaning out unconnected players from medal map
Repacked stats map. Stats map size=2. OrderIt changed from 2 to 2
Destroyed timer
gpm_cq.py uninitialized
gpm_cq.py initialized
Reset orderiterator to 2 based on highest pid kept
Player id=0 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 0 to medal/rank checking
Getting Stats...
Requesting player STATS
Requesting player AWARDS
Player id=1 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 1 to medal/rank checking
Getting Stats...
Requesting player STATS
Requesting player AWARDS
Conquest gamemode initialized.
Timer object destroyed (rc 0)
Reset orderiterator to 2 based on highest pid kept
Player id=0 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 0 to medal/rank checking
Player id=1 found in sessionPlayerMedalMap
Resetting unkept round-only medals...
roundMedals: {}
Readded player 1 to medal/rank checking
Conquest gamemode initialized.
Timer object destroyed (rc 0)
Stats response received for player 0, size 20.
Key ktm-4 not found in stats response
Key ktm-5 not found in stats response
Key ktm-6 not found in stats response
Key dfcp not found in stats response
Key ktm-0 not found in stats response
Key ktm-1 not found in stats response
Key ktm-2 not found in stats response
Key ktm-3 not found in stats response
Key rpar not found in stats response
Key vtm-4 not found in stats response
Key bksk not found in stats response
Key vtm-1 not found in stats response
Key vtm-0 not found in stats response
Key vtm-3 not found in stats response
Key scor not found in stats response
Key wdsk not found in stats response
Key wkl-9 not found in stats response
Key heal not found in stats response
Key wkl-5 not found in stats response
Key dsab not found in stats response
Key wkl-11 not found in stats response
Key cdsc not found in stats response
Key tsql not found in stats response
Key tsqm not found in stats response
Key wins not found in stats response
Key vkl-1 not found in stats response
Key vkl-0 not found in stats response
Key vkl-3 not found in stats response
Key twsc not found in stats response
Key time not found in stats response
Key kill not found in stats response
Key rsup not found in stats response
Key tcdr not found in stats response
Key rank not found in stats response
Awards response received: ()
Player medals: {}
Stats response received for player 1, size 20.
Key ktm-4 not found in stats response
Key ktm-5 not found in stats response
Key ktm-6 not found in stats response
Key dfcp not found in stats response
Key ktm-0 not found in stats response
Key ktm-1 not found in stats response
Key ktm-2 not found in stats response
Key ktm-3 not found in stats response
Key rpar not found in stats response
Key vtm-4 not found in stats response
Key bksk not found in stats response
Key vtm-1 not found in stats response
Key vtm-0 not found in stats response
Key vtm-3 not found in stats response
Key scor not found in stats response
Key wdsk not found in stats response
Key wkl-9 not found in stats response
Key heal not found in stats response
Key wkl-5 not found in stats response
Key dsab not found in stats response
Key wkl-11 not found in stats response
Key cdsc not found in stats response
Key tsql not found in stats response
Key tsqm not found in stats response
Key wins not found in stats response
Key vkl-1 not found in stats response
Key vkl-0 not found in stats response
Key vkl-3 not found in stats response
Key twsc not found in stats response
Key time not found in stats response
Key kill not found in stats response
Key rsup not found in stats response
Key tcdr not found in stats response
Key rank not found in stats response
Awards response received: ()
Player medals: {}
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сообщение 3.1.2013, 16:48
Сообщение #11

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http://bf2.world-game.net.ua/ - значит тут только BF2? ip примой или через nat?
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сообщение 3.1.2013, 17:46
Сообщение #12

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Цитата(sh@rk @ Четверг, 3 Января 2013, 16:48:39) [snapback]1797927[/snapback]

http://bf2.world-game.net.ua/ - значит тут только BF2? ip примой или через nat?

IP прямой
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сообщение 4.1.2013, 12:18
Сообщение #13

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Идеи есть?
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сообщение 5.1.2013, 18:03
Сообщение #14

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есть, но что бы проверить игру лень ставить -___-э
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сообщение 5.1.2013, 18:14
Сообщение #15

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Ясно, думал хоть чем-то поможете.... Но и на том спасибо!
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